Version 0.8.0-beta

- handle replacement via slash command
- emote and ooc detection
- de-/activate single mappings
- move buttons and mappings are disabled when already at top/bottom or deactivated
- minimap button is darkened when addon is disabled
- help tab with examples

- right-click on minimap button quickly de-/activates replacements

- fixed mapping to raid warning, instance and battleground chats
- localized raid target markers
- capital % substitutions
- incorrect consolidation
- Umlaut and accent replacements
master 0.8.0
Lothar Buchholz 4 years ago
parent 5b72ad3b78
commit 44dd7ac8eb

@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ enable-nolib-creation: no

@ -3,17 +3,29 @@ All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](,
and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
## [Upcoming] Version 0.8.0-beta - 2020-06-08
## Version 0.8.0-beta - 2020-06-14 [Feature Complete]
### Added
- handle replacement via slash command
- emote detection
- emote and ooc detection
- de-/activate single mappings
- move buttons are disabled when already at top/bottom or replacements were deactivated
- minimap button is darkened when addon is disabled
- help tab with examples
### Changed
- right-click on minimap button quickly de-/activates replacements
### Fixed
- mapping to raid warning, instance and battleground chats
- localized raid target markers
- capital % substitutions
- incorrect consolidation
- Umlaut and accent replacements
## Version 0.7.2-beta - 2020-06-08
### Added
- minimap button
### Changed
- graphical move arrows
### Fixed
- crash on matches with 0-width
## Version 0.7.1-beta - 2020-06-07

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
Grichelde - Text Replacer
Copyright 2020 Teilzeit-Jedi <>
This addon is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
@ -19,39 +20,46 @@ local _G = _G
-- initialize addon
local Grichelde = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):NewAddon(AddonTable, AddonName, "AceConsole-3.0", "AceEvent-3.0", "AceHook-3.0")
Grichelde.L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):GetLocale("Grichelde", true)
Grichelde.version = GetAddOnMetadata(AddonName, "Version") = GetAddOnMetadata(AddonName, "X-Build") or "Experimental"
Grichelde.logLevel = 0 -- cannot reference Grichelde.LOG_LEVELs here as they are loaded afterwards
-- publish to global env
_G.Grichelde = Grichelde
_G[AddonName] = Grichelde
-- Ace3 callbacks
function Grichelde:OnInitialize()
self.L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):GetLocale(, true)
-- Build Interface Options window
self.db = self:LoadDatabase()
function Grichelde:OnEnable()
-- Hook in before message is sent to replace all character occurrences where replacements have been defined in the options
self:RawHook("SendChatMessage", true)
self.options, self.dialog = self:SetupOptions()
self.ldb, self.icon = self:MinimapButton()
function Grichelde:OnEnable()
-- Hook in before message is sent to replace all character occurrences where replacements have been defined in the options
self:RawHook("SendChatMessage", true)
-- tell the world we are listening
self:Print(self.L.AddonLoaded, self.COLOR_CODES.PREFIX .. self.L.AddonName .. " " .. self.L.VersionAbbr .. self.version .. self.COLOR_CODES.CLOSE)
if self.db.profile.enabled then
local namePlusVersion = self:Format(self.L.AddonNamePlusVersion, self.L.AddonName, self.version)
self:Print(self.L.AddonLoaded, self.COLOR_CODES.PREFIX .. namePlusVersion .. self.COLOR_CODES.CLOSE)
function Grichelde:OnDisable()
--- Register slash commands 'gri' and 'grichelde'
@ -60,19 +68,21 @@ function Grichelde:SetupSlashCommands()
self:RegisterChatCommand("gri", "HandleSlashCommand")
function Grichelde:HandleSlashCommand(input)
function Grichelde:HandleSlashCommand(input, ...)
-- Show the GUI if no input is supplied, otherwise handle the chat input.
if self.functions.nilOrEmpty(input) then
-- handle slash ourselves
self:DebugPrint("Handle slash command: " .. input)
if input == "mappings" then
elseif input == "options" then
elseif input == "profile" then
self:SendChatMessageOverride(input, ...)

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
## Title: Grichelde
## Notes: Replaces characters from the chat box
## Notes-de: Ersetzt eingegebene Zeichen in der Chat-Zeile
## Version: 0.7.2-beta
## Version: 0.8.0-beta
## Author: Teilzeit-Jedi
## eMail:
@ -12,18 +12,21 @@
## X-License: GPLv3
## X-Category: Chat/Communication
## X-Credits: Teilzeit-Jedi
## X-Embeds: Ace3
## X-Embeds: LibStub, CallbackHandler, Ace3, LibDataBroker, LibDBIcon
## OptionalDeps: Ace3, LibDataBroker, LibIcon
## OptionalDeps: LibStub, CallbackHandler, Ace3, LibDataBroker, LibDBIcon
## SavedVariables: GricheldeDB

@ -2,44 +2,132 @@
local _G = _G
local Grichelde = _G.Grichelde
local IsAddOnLoaded, nilOrEmpty, ipairs, spairs, tContains, tFilter, tInsert, tConcat, find, sub, isUpper, isLower, toUpper, toLower, trim, length
= Grichelde.functions.IsAddOnLoaded, Grichelde.functions.nilOrEmpty, Grichelde.functions.ipairs, Grichelde.functions.spairs, Grichelde.functions.tContains, Grichelde.functions.tFilter, Grichelde.functions.tInsert, Grichelde.functions.tConcat,
Grichelde.functions.find, Grichelde.functions.sub, Grichelde.functions.isUpper, Grichelde.functions.isLower, Grichelde.functions.toUpper, Grichelde.functions.toLower, Grichelde.functions.trim, Grichelde.functions.length
local IsAddOnLoaded, assert, nilOrEmpty, pairs, ipairs, spairs, tContains, tFilter, tInsert, tConcat, tSize, tIsEmpty, find, sub, isUpper, isLower, toUpper, toLower, trim, length, lenUtf8
= Grichelde.functions.IsAddOnLoaded, Grichelde.functions.assert, Grichelde.functions.nilOrEmpty, Grichelde.functions.pairs, Grichelde.functions.ipairs, Grichelde.functions.spairs, Grichelde.functions.tContains, Grichelde.functions.tFilter, Grichelde.functions.tInsert, Grichelde.functions.tConcat, Grichelde.functions.tSize, Grichelde.functions.tIsEmpty,
Grichelde.functions.find, Grichelde.functions.sub, Grichelde.functions.isUpper, Grichelde.functions.isLower, Grichelde.functions.toUpper, Grichelde.functions.toLower, Grichelde.functions.trim, Grichelde.functions.length, Grichelde.functions.lenUtf8
local function cleanseMessage(this, message)
local text = message or ""
if (IsAddOnLoaded("Misspelled")) then
this:DebugPrint("Misspelled detected: cleansing message")
text = _G.Misspelled:RemoveHighlighting(message)
return trim(text)
--- Before a chat message is sent, check if replacement is required and replace the text accordingly.
-- @param message string
-- @param type string
-- @param language string
-- @param channel string
function Grichelde:SendChatMessage(message, type, language, channel, ...)
local replacedText = self:CheckAndReplace(message, type)
function Grichelde:SendChatMessage(message, type, ...)
local text = cleanseMessage(self, message)
if (self:CheckReplacementAllowed(text, type)) then
text = self:ReplaceText(text)
self:SendChunkifiedChatMessage(text, type, ...)
--- Always replaces the text accoording to the configuration, even if activation or channel was disabled.
--- This is used the the override slash command: "/gri /emote text to replace".
--- NOTE: type and channel (in case of whispers) are determined from the message text.
-- @param message string
-- @param type string
function Grichelde:SendChatMessageOverride(message, ...)
local text = cleanseMessage(self, message)
local chatType, lang, channel = text, DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME.editBox.chatType or "SAY", DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME.editBox.languageID
local msg, type, chan = self:CheckAndExtractMessageTypeTarget(text)
if msg ~= nil then
msg = self:ReplaceText(msg)
if type ~= nil then
self:SendChunkifiedChatMessage(msg, type, lang, chan, ...)
self:SendChunkifiedChatMessage(msg, chatType, lang, channel, ...)
-- suppress invalid messages/channels/targets
--- Send text in chunks if length exceeds 255 bytes after replacement.
function Grichelde:SendChunkifiedChatMessage(message, ...)
if length(message) > 255 then
local chunks = self:SplitText(message)
self:DebugPrint("SendChatMessage : #chunks:", #chunks)
-- Send text in chunks if length exceeds 255 bytes after replacement
local chunks = self:SplitText(replacedText)
self:DebugPrint("SendChatMessage : #chunks:", #chunks)
for _, chunk in ipairs(chunks) do
self.hooks["SendChatMessage"](chunk, ...);
self.hooks["SendChatMessage"](message, ...);
for _, chunk in ipairs(chunks) do
self.hooks["SendChatMessage"](chunk, type, language, channel, ...);
local function IsOneBigEmote(this, text)
local firstWord, _ = this:SplitOnFirstMatch(text)
assert(firstWord ~= nil, "firstWord is never nil")
-- emote detection
local isOneBigEmote = false
-- scheme *emote*
if sub(firstWord, 1, 1) == "<" then
-- search for emote end
local _, emoteEnd = find(text, "%>", 2)
isOneBigEmote = (emoteEnd == length(text))
if not isOneBigEmote and sub(firstWord, 1, 1) == "*" then
-- search for emote end
local _, emoteEnd = find(text, "%*", 2)
isOneBigEmote = (emoteEnd == length(text))
-- scheme **emote**
if not isOneBigEmote and sub(firstWord, 1, 2) == "**" then
-- search for emote end
local _, emoteEnd = find(text, "%*%*", 3)
isOneBigEmote = (emoteEnd == length(text))
-- the whole text is one big emote
return isOneBigEmote
function Grichelde:CheckAndReplace(message, type)
local text = message
if (self:CheckReplacement(text, type)) then
if (IsAddOnLoaded("Misspelled")) then
self:DebugPrint("Misspelled detected: cleansing message")
text = _G.Misspelled:RemoveHighlighting(text)
--- Detect OOC in text, patterns are (( ooc )) or ooc:
local function IsOoc(this, text)
local firstWord, _ = this:SplitOnFirstMatch(text)
assert(firstWord ~= nil, "firstWord is never nil")
-- scheme: (( ooc ))
if sub(firstWord, 1, 2) == "((" then
-- search for emote end
local _, oocEnd = find(text, "%)%)", 3)
if (oocEnd == length(text)) then
this:TracePrintPrint("IsOoc : skip ((ooc))", text)
return true
text = self:ReplaceText(trim(text))
return text
-- scheme: ooc:
if sub(firstWord, 1, 4) == "ooc:" then
this:TracePrint("IsOoc : skip ooc:", text)
return true
return false
function Grichelde:CheckReplacement(text, channel)
-- skip if not enabled
--- Checks if a message can be replaced according to configuration.
-- @return boolean
function Grichelde:CheckReplacementAllowed(text, channel)
self:DebugPrint("CheckReplacementAllowed : text:", text)
-- skip if disabled
if (not self.db.profile.enabled) then
self:DebugPrint("CheckReplacement : disabled")
self:DebugPrint("CheckReplacementAllowed : disabled")
return false
@ -49,35 +137,139 @@ function Grichelde:CheckReplacement(text, channel)
-- skip if wrong channel
local chan = self:ConvertBlizzTypeToOption(channel)
local allowedChannels = tFilter(self.db.profile.channels,
function(_,v) return v == true end,
function(k,_) return k end
function(_, k, v) return k == chan and v == true end,
function(_, k, _) return k end
self:DebugPrint("CheckReplacement : allowed channels:", tConcat(allowedChannels, ", "))
local type = self:ConvertBlizChannelToType(channel)
if (type == nil or not tContains(allowedChannels, type)) then
self:DebugPrint("CheckReplacement : skip channel type:", type)
self:DebugPrint("CheckReplacementAllowed : allowed channels:")
if tIsEmpty(allowedChannels) then
self:DebugPrint("CheckReplacementAllowed : skip channel type:", chan)
return false
-- don't replace slash commands except chat related commands
if sub(text, 1, 1) == "/" then
local firstWord, _ = self:SplitOnFirstMatch(text)
-- todo: adapt allowed slash commands
if (firstWord == nil or not tContains(self.slashCommands, firstWord)) then
self:DebugPrint("CheckReplacement : ignore slash command")
return false
local firstWord, _ = self:SplitOnFirstMatch(text)
assert(firstWord ~= nil, "firstWord is never nil")
-- don't replace slash commands
if sub(firstWord, 1, 1) == "/" then
self:DebugPrint("CheckReplacementAllowed : skip other slash commands:", firstWord)
return false
-- emote detection
if IsOneBigEmote(self, text) then
self:DebugPrint("CheckReplacementAllowed : one big emote")
return self.db.profile.channels.emote
-- in any other case
-- in any other case, treat as ordinary text or emote
return true
function Grichelde:ConvertBlizChannelToType(channel)
local type = toLower(channel)
self:DebugPrint("ConvertBlizChannelToType : convert %s to %s", channel, type)
return type
--- Checks if the text from the Grichelde slash command can be replaced and if so
--- returns the replacable text, the chat type and target (player or channel) from the message text.
--- This is used the the override slash command: "/gri /emote text to replace".
-- @param text (string) the whole message
-- @return message (string) stripped message
-- @return type (string) chat type
-- @return channel (string|number) channel number for whispers
function Grichelde:CheckAndExtractMessageTypeTarget(text)
self:DebugPrint("CheckAndExtractMessageTypeTarget : text:", text)
-- skip if no further text
if nilOrEmpty(text) then
return nil -- dont send text at all
-- first word should be a chat command
if sub(text, 1, 1) == "/" then
-- extract chat command
local chatCmd, targetAndText = self:SplitOnFirstMatch(text)
assert(chatCmd ~= nil, "chatCmd is never nil")
local type = tFilter(self.SUPPORTED_CHAT_COMMANDS,
function(_, k, _) return chatCmd == k end
self:DebugPrint("CheckAndExtractMessageTypeTarget : determined type:")
if not tIsEmpty(type) then
-- valid /chattype
if type[1] == "WHISPER" then
-- special reply handling
if "/r" == chatCmd or "/reply" == chatCmd then
-- reuse last type and target if possible
local lastTold, lastToldType = ChatEdit_GetLastToldTarget()
self:DebugPrint("CheckAndExtractMessageTypeTarget : lastTell, lastTellType =", lastTold, lastToldType)
return targetAndText, lastToldType or type[1], lastTold
elseif "/tt" == chatCmd then
-- determine target from game world selection
if (not UnitExists("target") or not UnitIsPlayer("target")) then
return nil -- dont send text at all
local target = UnitName("target");
if target == nil then
return nil -- dont send text at all
-- eventually we found our target
self:DebugPrint("CheckAndExtractMessageTypeTarget : target:", target)
return targetAndText, type[1], target
-- determine target from text
local target, msg = self:SplitOnFirstMatch(targetAndText)
if target == nil then
return nil -- dont send text at all
-- eventually we found our target
self:DebugPrint("CheckAndExtractMessageTypeTarget : determined target:", target)
return msg, type[1], target
-- all other chat types
return targetAndText, type[1], nil
-- if not a valid chat command, try as a numbered channel
local _, _, channelNumber = find(chatCmd, "^/(%d+)")
if channelNumber ~= nil then
local channelId = GetChannelName(channelNumber)
if channelId ~= nil then
return targetAndText, "CHANNEL", channelId
-- ignore any other slash commands
return nil -- dont send text at all
elseif IsOneBigEmote(self, text) then
self:DebugPrint("CheckAndExtractMessageTypeTarget : determined EMOTE type")
return text, "EMOTE", nil
-- in any other case, treat as ordinary text, assume default type and channel
return text
function Grichelde:ConvertBlizzTypeToOption(channel)
local option = tFilter(self.BLIZZ_TYPE_TO_OPTIONS,
function(_, k, _) return channel == k end
if not tIsEmpty(option) then
self:DebugPrint("ConvertBlizzTypeToOption : convert %s to %s", channel, option[1])
return option[1]
return nil
--- Replaces all character occurrences for which replacements have been defined in the options,
@ -85,18 +277,9 @@ end
-- @param text string
-- @return string
function Grichelde:ReplaceText(text)
local lookAheads = {'|', '{', '%'}
local finalText = ""
local lookAheads = {'|', '{', '%', '*', '<', '(', 'o'}
local newText = text
-- don't replace non-chat related slash commands
local firstWord, line = self:SplitOnFirstMatch(text)
if (firstWord ~= nil and tContains(self.slashCommands, firstWord)) then
self:DebugPrint("ReplaceText : Found slash command:", firstWord )
-- skip chat slash command
finalText = finalText .. firstWord .. ' '
newText = line
local finalText = ""
local current = 1
local lastStart = 1
@ -108,8 +291,7 @@ function Grichelde:ReplaceText(text)
if ( not tContains(lookAheads, currentChar)) then
current = current + 1
-- lookahead-check for itemLinks, textures and raid target icons
-- lookahead-check for all preservable patterns (itemLinks, textures, emotes, ooc, etc.)
local textAhead = sub(newText, current)
local posEnd = self:CheckForPreversableText(textAhead)
if posEnd > 0 then
@ -141,52 +323,64 @@ function Grichelde:ReplaceText(text)
--- Checks if the text starts with a preversable ignore pattern, such as itemLinks, textures, raid target icons or
--- %-substitutons and returns the end location of the match, or 0 if no pattern was found
--- Checks if the text starts with a preversable ignore pattern, such as itemLinks, textures, raid target icons,
--- emotes, ooc or %-substitutons and returns the end location of the match, or 0 if no pattern was found
-- @param text string
-- @return number
function Grichelde:CheckForPreversableText(text)
self:DebugPrint("CheckForPreversableText : text:", text)
-- do not replace these patterns
local ignorePatterns = {
"|[Cc]%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x.-|r", -- colored items (or links)
"|H.-|h", -- item links (
"|T.-|t", -- textures
"|K.-|k", --
"|n", -- newline
"{rt[1-8]}", -- rumbered raid target icons
"{Star}", -- named raid target icon 1
"{Circle}", -- named raid target icon 2
"{Coin}", -- named raid target icon 2
"{Diamond}", -- named raid target icon 3
"{Triangle}", -- named raid target icon 4
"{Moon}", -- named raid target icon 5
"{Square}", -- named raid target icon 6
"{Cross}", -- named raid target icon 7
"{X}", -- named raid target icon 7
"{Skull}", -- named raid target icon 8
"%%n", -- player's name
"%%z", -- player's currnt zone
"%%sz", -- player's current sub-zone
"%%loc", -- player's map coordinates
"%%t", -- name of target
"%%f", -- name of focus target
"%%m", -- name of mouseover unit
"%%p", -- name of player pet
"%%tt" -- name of player's target's target
-- Calling find on ever pattern might be inefficient but its way less code.
for _, pattern in ipairs(ignorePatterns) do
self:TracePrint("CheckForPreversableText : text:", text)
-- Calling find on ever pattern might be inefficient but its way less code than marching over every character
for _, pattern in ipairs(Grichelde.IGNORE_PATTERNS_CASE_SENSITIVE) do
local pos1, pos2 = find(text, pattern)
if pos1 == 1 and pos2 ~= nil then
self:DebugPrint("CheckForPreversableText : Found ignore pattern \"%s\" at (%d, %d)", pattern, pos1, pos2)
return pos2
-- emote detection
for _, pattern in ipairs(Grichelde.EMOTE_PATTERNS) do
local pos1, pos2 = find(text, pattern)
if pos1 == 1 and pos2 ~= nil then
local emote = sub(text, pos1, pos2)
if (not self.db.profile.channels.emote) then
self:DebugPrint("CheckForPreversableText : Found emote \"%s\" but preserved it", emote)
return pos2
self:DebugPrint("CheckForPreversableText : Found emote \"%s\" at (%d, %d)", emote, pos1, pos2)
-- %-substitutions
local lowerText = toLower(text)
for _, pattern in ipairs(Grichelde.IGNORE_PATTERNS_CASE_INSENSITIVE) do
local pos1, pos2 = find(lowerText, pattern)
if pos1 == 1 and pos2 ~= nil then
self:DebugPrint("CheckForPreversableText : Found ignore pattern \"%s\" at (%d, %d)", pattern, pos1, pos2)
return pos2
-- Localized raid target markers
for _, localizedRT in ipairs(Grichelde.LOCALIZED_RAID_TARGETS) do
local translation = toLower(self.L["IgnorePattern_" .. localizedRT])
local locPattern = "{" .. translation .. "}"
self:TracePrint("CheckForPreversableText : locPattern:", locPattern)
local pos1, pos2 = find(lowerText, locPattern)
if pos1 == 1 and pos2 ~= nil then
self:DebugPrint("CheckForPreversableText : Found localized raid target marker \"%s\" at (%d, %d)", locPattern, pos1, pos2)
return pos2
-- ooc: detection remaing text is treated as ooc completely!
if sub(lowerText, 1, 4) == "ooc:" then
self:DebugPrint("CheckForPreversableText : ooc for remaing text")
return length(text)
self:DebugPrint("CheckForPreversableText : no ignore pattern found")
return 0
@ -207,7 +401,7 @@ function Grichelde:ReplaceCharacters(text)
local before = result
local search = replTable.searchText
if not nilOrEmpty(search) then
if not nilOrEmpty(search) and then
local replace = replTable.replaceText
consolidate[replName] = {}
@ -218,11 +412,11 @@ function Grichelde:ReplaceCharacters(text)
local oldResult = result
local pos1, pos2 = find(oldResult, search, pos)
self:TracePrint("ReplaceCharacters : pos1: %d, pos2: %d", pos1, pos2)
while (pos1 and pos2 and pos1 <= pos2) do
self:TracePrint("pos1: %d, pos2: %d", pos1, pos2)
local pre = sub(result, 1, pos1 - 1 + offset)
local post = sub(result, pos2 + 1 + offset)
self:TracePrint("pre: %s, post: %s", pre, post)
self:TracePrint("ReplaceCharacters : pre: %s, post: %s", pre, post)
-- actual replacement
result = pre .. replace .. post
@ -233,9 +427,21 @@ function Grichelde:ReplaceCharacters(text)
tInsert(consolidate[replName], pos1 + offset)
-- update previous consolidate markers
local diff = length(replace) - length(search)
for key, posList in pairs(consolidate) do
if key ~= replName then
for i, pc in ipairs(posList) do
if pos1 < pc then
consolidate[key][i] = consolidate[key][i] + diff
-- replacement text can lengthen or shorten the resulting text
-- after replacement result and lowerResult can have different sizes
offset = offset + length(replace) - length(search)
offset = offset + diff
-- update values for next iteration
pos = pos2 + 1
pos1, pos2 = find(oldResult, search, pos)
@ -247,58 +453,70 @@ function Grichelde:ReplaceCharacters(text)
local lowerSearch = toLower(search)
local pos1, pos2 = find(lowerResult, lowerSearch, pos)
self:TracePrint("ReplaceCharacters : pos1: %d, pos2: %d", pos1, pos2)
while (pos1 and pos2 and pos1 <= pos2) do
self:TracePrint("pos1: %d, pos2: %d", pos1, pos2)
local pre = sub(result, 1, pos1 - 1 + offset)
local match = sub(result, pos1 + offset, pos2 + offset)
local post = sub(result, pos2 + 1 + offset)
self:TracePrint("pre: %s, match: %s, post: %s", pre, match, post)
self:TracePrint("ReplaceCharacters : pre: %s, match: %s, post: %s", pre, match, post)
-- keep cases
local utf8, uc, tc = nil, 0, 0
local repl = ""
local lastCase = nil
for p = pos1, pos2 do
self:TracePrint("p: %d", p)
self:TracePrint("ReplaceCharacters : p: %d", p)
local c = sub(match, p - pos1 + 1, p - pos1 + 1)
local r = sub(replace, p - pos1 + 1, p - pos1 + 1) or ""
if (isUpper(c)) then -- all UPPER-CASE letter
lastCase = true
repl = repl .. toUpper(r)
elseif (isLower(match)) then -- all lower_case letter
lastCase = false
repl = repl .. toLower(r)
else -- no letter
lastCase = nil
repl = repl .. r
-- put together umlaut or accent
if utf8 ~= nil then
c = utf8 .. c
utf8 = nil
-- if not umlaut or accent
if c ~= "\195" then
local r = sub(replace, p - pos1 + 1 - uc + tc, p - pos1 + 1 - uc + tc) or ""
if r == "\195" then
r = sub(replace, p - pos1 + 1 - uc + tc, p - pos1 + 1 - uc + tc + 1) or ""
tc = tc + 1
self:TracePrint("ReplaceCharacters : character: %s, %s", c, r)
if (isUpper(c)) then -- UPPER-CASE letter
lastCase = true
repl = repl .. toUpper(r)
elseif (isLower(c)) then -- lower_case letter
lastCase = false
repl = repl .. toLower(r)
else -- no letter
lastCase = nil
repl = repl .. r
-- handle UTF8 characters
utf8 = c
uc = uc + 1
self:TracePrint("character: %s, %s", c, r)
self:TracePrint("length %d > %d", length(replace), pos2 - pos1 + 1)
if (length(replace) > pos2 - pos1 + 1) then
local remainingReplace = sub(replace, pos2 - pos1 + 2)
self:TracePrint("ReplaceCharacters : length %d > %d", length(replace), pos2 - pos1 + 1 - uc + tc)
if (length(replace) > pos2 - pos1 + 1 - uc + tc) then
local remainingReplace = sub(replace, pos2 - pos1 + 2 - uc + tc)
local nextLetter = sub(post, 1, 1)
self:TracePrint("ReplaceCharacters : rest: %s, n: %s, lastCase: %s", remainingReplace, nextLetter, lastCase)
self:TracePrint("rest: %s, n: %s, lastCase: %s", remainingReplace, nextLetter, lastCase)
if (isUpper(nextLetter)) then
if lastCase == nil or lastCase == false then
repl = repl .. remainingReplace
if lastCase == nil then
if (isUpper(nextLetter)) then
repl = repl .. toUpper(remainingReplace)
elseif (isLower(nextLetter)) then
if lastCase == nil or lastCase == true then
repl = repl .. remainingReplace
elseif (isLower(nextLetter)) then
repl = repl .. toLower(remainingReplace)
repl = repl .. remainingReplace
elseif lastCase == false then
repl = repl .. toLower(remainingReplace)
-- no letter
if lastCase == nil then
repl = repl .. remainingReplace
elseif lastCase == false then
if (isLower(nextLetter)) then
repl = repl .. toLower(remainingReplace)
repl = repl .. toUpper(remainingReplace)
@ -308,16 +526,30 @@ function Grichelde:ReplaceCharacters(text)
-- actual replacement
result = pre .. repl .. post
self:DebugPrint("result: %s", result)
self:DebugPrint("ReplaceCharacters : result: %s", result)
-- remember positions for consolidate
if replTable.consolidate then
tInsert(consolidate[replName], pos1 + offset)
self:TracePrint("consolidate[" .. replName .. "] is:")
-- update previous consolidate markers
local diff = length(repl) - length(lowerSearch)
for key, posList in pairs(consolidate) do
if key ~= replName then
for i, pc in ipairs(posList) do
if pos1 < pc then
consolidate[key][i] = consolidate[key][i] + diff
-- replacement text can be longer or shorter the resulting text
-- after replacement result and lowerResult can have different sizes
offset = offset + length(repl) - length(lowerSearch)
offset = offset + diff
-- update values for next iteration
pos = pos2 + 1
pos1, pos2 = find(lowerResult, lowerSearch, pos)
@ -327,18 +559,21 @@ function Grichelde:ReplaceCharacters(text)
if before ~= result then
self:DebugPrint("ReplaceCharacters : replaced \"%s\" with \"%s\"", before, result)
if replTable.consolidate then
self:DebugPrint("consolidate[" .. replName .. "] is:")
self:DebugPrint("ReplaceCharacters : Skip replacement for empty mapping")
self:DebugPrint("ReplaceCharacters : Skip replacement for %s", replName)
-- consolidation is done last
for replName, replTable in spairs(replacements) do
local before = result
--local search = replTable.searchText
local search = replTable.searchText
if not nilOrEmpty(search) then
if not nilOrEmpty(search) and then
local replace = replTable.replaceText
local lowerResult = toLower(result)
local offset = 0
@ -350,20 +585,20 @@ function Grichelde:ReplaceCharacters(text)
for _, pos1 in spairs(consolidate[replName]) do
local pos2 = pos1 + length(replace) - 1
self:TracePrint("pos1: %d, pos2: %d", pos1, pos2)
local match = sub(lowerResult, pos1, pos2)
self:TracePrint("ReplaceCharacters : pos1: %d, pos2: %d", pos1, pos2)
local match = toLower(replace)
local next = sub(lowerResult, pos2 + 1, pos2 + 1 + pos2 - pos1)
self:TracePrint("match: %s, next: %s", match, next)
self:TracePrint("ReplaceCharacters : match: %s, next: %s", match, next)
local _, p2 = find(next, "^" .. match)
self:TracePrint("p2: %d", p2)
self:TracePrint("ReplaceCharacters : p2: %d", p2)
if (p2) then
result = sub(result, 1, pos2 + offset) .. sub(result, pos2 + 1 + p2 + offset)
-- consolidation will shorten the resulting text
offset = offset + length(result) - length(lowerResult)
self:DebugPrint("result: %s", result)
self:DebugPrint("ReplaceCharacters : result: %s", result)
@ -371,7 +606,7 @@ function Grichelde:ReplaceCharacters(text)
self:DebugPrint("ReplaceCharacters : consolidate \"%s\" with \"%s\"", before, result)
self:DebugPrint("ReplaceCharacters : Skip consolidation for empty mapping")
self:DebugPrint("ReplaceCharacters : Skip consolidation for %s", replName)

@ -8,10 +8,16 @@ Grichelde.LOG_LEVEL.DEBUG = 1
Grichelde.LOG_LEVEL.TRACE = 2
Grichelde.MAPPING_OFFSET = 10
Grichelde.MINIMAP_ENABLED = 1.0
Grichelde.ICONS = {}
Grichelde.ICONS.MOVE_UP = "Interface\\MainMenuBar\\UI-MainMenu-ScrollUpButton-Up"
Grichelde.ICONS.MOVE_UP_DISABLED = "Interface\\MainMenuBar\\UI-MainMenu-ScrollUpButton-Disabled"
Grichelde.ICONS.MOVE_DOWN = "Interface\\MainMenuBar\\UI-MainMenu-ScrollDownButton-Up"
Grichelde.ICONS.MOVE_DOWN_DISABLED = "Interface\\MainMenuBar\\UI-MainMenu-ScrollDownButton-Disabled"
Grichelde.ICONS.DELETE = "Interface\\Buttons\\UI-Panel-MinimizeButton-Up"
Grichelde.ICONS.DELETE_DISABLED = "Interface\\Buttons\\UI-Panel-MinimizeButton-Disabled"
-- colors:
Grichelde.COLORS = {}
@ -35,7 +41,109 @@ Grichelde.COLOR_CODES.LIGHTYELLOW = _G.LIGHTYELLOW_FONT_COLOR_CODE or "|cffffff9
Grichelde.slashCommands = { "/s", "/say", "/e", "/em", "/me", "/emote", "/y", "/yell", "/sh", "/shout", "/p", "/party", "/pl", "/partyleader", "/g", "/gc", "/guild", "/o", "/osay", "/officer", "/raid", "/rsay", "/rl", "/raidleader", "/rw", "/raidwarning", "/i", "/instance", "/bg", "/battleground", "/w", "/whisper", "/t", "/tell", "/send", "/r", "/reply" }
Grichelde.SLASH_COMMANDS = { "gri", "grichelde" }
["/s"] = "SAY",
["/say"] = "SAY",
["/sprechen"] = "SAY",
["/c"] = "CHANNEL",
["/csay"] = "CHANNEL",
["/e"] = "EMOTE",
["/em"] = "EMOTE",
["/me"] = "EMOTE",
["/emote"] = "EMOTE",
["/y"] = "YELL",
["/yell"] = "YELL",
["/sh"] = "YELL",
["/shout"] = "YELL",
["/schreien"] = "YELL",
["/sch"] = "YELL",
["/p"] = "PARTY",
["/party"] = "PARTY",
["/gruppe"] = "PARTY",
["/pl"] = "PARTY",
["/partyleader"] = "PARTY",
["/g"] = "GUILD",
["/gc"] = "GUILD",
["/guild"] = "GUILD",
["/gilde"] = "GUILD",
["/o"] = "OFFICER",
["/osay"] = "OFFICER",
["/officer"] = "OFFICER",
["/offizier"] = "OFFICER",
["/raid"] = "RAID",
["/rsay"] = "RAID",
["/rl"] = "RAID",
["/rsay"] = "RAID",
["/raidleader"] = "RAID",
["/schlachtzug"] = "RAID",
["/rw"] = "RAID_WARNING",
["/raidwarning"] = "RAID_WARNING",
["/i"] = "INSTANCE_CHAT",
["/instance"] = "INSTANCE_CHAT",
["/instanz"] = "INSTANCE_CHAT",
["/bg"] = "BATTLEGROUND",
["/battleground"] = "BATTLEGROUND",
["/schlachfeld"] = "BATTLEGROUND",
["/w"] = "WHISPER",
["/whisper"] = "WHISPER",
["/t"] = "WHISPER",
["/tell"] = "WHISPER",
["/send"] = "WHISPER",
["/tt"] = "WHISPER",
["/r"] = "WHISPER",
["/reply"] = "WHISPER",
["/fl\195\188stern"] = "WHISPER",
["/antworten"] = "WHISPER",
["SAY"] = "say",
["EMOTE"] = "emote",
["YELL"] = "yell",
["PARTY"] = "party",
["GUILD"] = "guild",
["OFFICER"] = "officer",
["RAID"] = "raid",
["RAID_WARNING"] = "raidWarning",
["INSTANCE"] = "instance",
["BATTLEGROUND"] = "battleground",
["WHISPER"] = "whisper",
-- do not replace these patterns
"|[Cc]%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x.-|r", -- colored items (or links)
"|H.-|h", -- item links (
"|T.-|t", -- textures
"|K.-|k", --
"|n", -- newline
"%(%(.-%)%)", -- (( ooc ))
-- for separate emote detection
Grichelde.EMOTE_PATTERNS = {
"%*.-%*", -- emotes *
"%*%*.-%*%*", -- emotes **
"%<.-%>" -- emotes < >
"{rt[1-8]}", -- rumbered raid target icons, localized raid targets are handled differently
"%%n", -- player's name
"%%z", -- player's currnt zone
"%%sz", -- player's current sub-zone
"%%loc", -- player's map coordinates
"%%t", -- name of target
"%%f", -- name of focus target
"%%m", -- name of mouseover unit
"%%p", -- name of player pet
"%%tt" -- name of player's target's target
Grichelde.LOCALIZED_RAID_TARGETS = { "Star", "Circle", "Diamond", "Triangle", "Moon", "Square", "Cross", "Skull" }
local function nilOrEmpty(s)
return s == nil or s:trim() == ""
@ -68,12 +176,25 @@ local function spairs(t, orderFunc)
local function tFilter(t, cond, extr)
local function tFilter(t, condition, extract)
local filtered = {}
for key, value in Grichelde.functions.pairs(t) do
if cond(key, value) then
local val = extr(key, value)
Grichelde.functions.tInsert(filtered, #filtered + 1, val)
local cond = false
if condition then
local t = Grichelde.functions.type(condition)
if t == "function" then
cond = condition(t, key, value)
elseif t == "string" or t == "number" then
cond = (value == condition)
if cond then
local val = value
if extract and Grichelde.functions.type(extract) == "function" then
val = extract(t, key, value)
Grichelde.functions.tInsert(filtered, val)
return filtered
@ -90,6 +211,11 @@ local function tSize(t)
return size
local function tIsEmpty(t)
if (not t) then return true end
return Grichelde.functions.tNext(t) == nil
local function tClone(orig)
local orig_type = Grichelde.functions.type(orig)
local copy
@ -107,7 +233,7 @@ local function tClone(orig)
local function isChar(word)
return Grichelde.functions.find(word, "%a+")
return Grichelde.functions.find(word, "[%z\65-\90\97-\122\195-\197][\128-\191]?")
local function isNumber(digit)
@ -128,9 +254,34 @@ local function isCapital(word)
and Grichelde.functions.isLower(Grichelde.functions.sub(word,2))
local function color(color, text)
return color .. text .. Grichelde.COLOR_CODES.CLOSE
local function cPrefix(text)
return Grichelde.functions.color(Grichelde.COLOR_CODES.PREFIX, text)
local function cYellow(text)
return Grichelde.functions.color(Grichelde.COLOR_CODES.NORMAL, text)
local function cGray(text)
return Grichelde.functions.color(Grichelde.COLOR_CODES.GRAY, text)
local function cDarkgray(text)
return Grichelde.functions.color(Grichelde.COLOR_CODES.DARKGRAY, text)
local function cOrange(text)
return Grichelde.functions.color(Grichelde.COLOR_CODES.ORANGE, text)
-- faster function lookups by mapping to local refs
Grichelde.functions = {}
Grichelde.functions.IsAddOnLoaded = _G.IsAddOnLoaded
Grichelde.functions.assert = _G.assert
Grichelde.functions.type = _G.type
Grichelde.functions.print = _G.print
Grichelde.functions.nilOrEmpty = nilOrEmpty
@ -142,9 +293,11 @@ Grichelde.functions.tFilter = tFilter
Grichelde.functions.tInsert = _G.table.insert
Grichelde.functions.tConcat = _G.table.concat
Grichelde.functions.tSize = tSize
Grichelde.functions.tIsEmpty = tIsEmpty
Grichelde.functions.tSort = _G.table.sort
Grichelde.functions.tClone = tClone
Grichelde.functions.tNext =
Grichelde.functions.tWipe = _G.wipe
Grichelde.functions.setmetatable = _G.setmetatable
Grichelde.functions.getmetatable = _G.getmetatable =
@ -162,10 +315,17 @@ Grichelde.functions.isNumber = isNumber
Grichelde.functions.isUpper = isUpper
Grichelde.functions.isLower = isLower
Grichelde.functions.isCapital = isCapital
Grichelde.functions.color = color
Grichelde.functions.cPrefix = cPrefix
Grichelde.functions.cYellow = cYellow
Grichelde.functions.cGray = cGray
Grichelde.functions.cDarkgray = cDarkgray
Grichelde.functions.cOrange = cOrange
Grichelde.functions.format = _G.string.format
Grichelde.functions.rep = _G.string.rep
Grichelde.functions.trim = _G.strtrim
Grichelde.functions.length = _G.string.len
Grichelde.functions.lenUtf8 = _G.strlenutf8
Grichelde.functions.toString = _G.tostring
Grichelde.functions.toNumber = _G.tonumber
Grichelde.functions.max = _G.math.max

@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ function Grichelde:GetDefaultConfig()
replacements = {
["**"] = {
active = true,
order = 9999,
searchText = "",
replaceText = "",
@ -34,23 +35,12 @@ function Grichelde:GetDefaultConfig()
order = 10,
searchText = "s",
replaceText = "ch",
exactCase = false,
consolidate = true,
replacement_11 = {
order = 11,
searchText = "t",
replaceText = "ck",
exactCase = false,
consolidate = true,
replacement_12 = {
order = 12,
searchText = "Zark",
replaceText = "toter Schamane",
exactCase = false,
consolidate = true,
@ -156,4 +146,4 @@ function Grichelde:ReorderReplacements()
self:DebugPrint("ReorderReplacements : sorted table")

@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
-- read namespace from global env
local _G = _G
local Grichelde = _G.Grichelde
--- add Minimap button
function Grichelde:MinimapButton()
local function clickHandler(_, button)
if button == 'LeftButton' then
elseif button == 'RightButton' then
local function updateTooltip(tooltip)
if not tooltip or not tooltip.AddLine then return end
local tooltipTitle = self:Format(self.L.Minimap_Tooltip_Enabled, self.L.AddonName)
if not self.db.profile.enabled then
tooltipTitle = self:Format(self.L.Minimap_Tooltip_Disabled, self.L.AddonName)
tooltip:AddDoubleLine(self.L.Minimap_Tooltip_Options_Left, self.L.Minimap_Tooltip_Options_Right,
Grichelde.COLORS.GREEN.r, Grichelde.COLORS.GREEN.g, Grichelde.COLORS.GREEN.b, Grichelde.COLORS.GREEN.a,
Grichelde.COLORS.NORMAL.r, Grichelde.COLORS.NORMAL.g, Grichelde.COLORS.NORMAL.b, Grichelde.COLORS.NORMAL.a
tooltip:AddDoubleLine(self.L.Minimap_Tooltip_Mappings_Left, self.L.Minimap_Tooltip_Mappings_Right,
Grichelde.COLORS.GREEN.r, Grichelde.COLORS.GREEN.g, Grichelde.COLORS.GREEN.b, Grichelde.COLORS.GREEN.a,
Grichelde.COLORS.NORMAL.r, Grichelde.COLORS.NORMAL.g, Grichelde.COLORS.NORMAL.b, Grichelde.COLORS.NORMAL.a
local darkened = Grichelde.MINIMAP_ENABLED
if not self.db.profile.enabled then
darkened = Grichelde.MINIMAP_DARKENDED
local ldb = LibStub("LibDataBroker-1.1"):NewDataObject(, {
type = "launcher",
text = self.AddonName,
icon = "Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Holy_Silence",
--icon = ([[Interface\Addons\%s\%s]]):format(,,
OnClick = clickHandler,
OnRightClick = function() self:ShowMappings() end,
OnTooltipShow = updateTooltip,
iconR = darkened,
iconG = darkened,
iconB = darkened
local icon = LibStub("LibDBIcon-1.0")
self:DebugPrint("MinimapButton : hidden: ", self.db.profile.minimapButton.hide)
icon:Register(, ldb, self.db.profile.minimapButton)
return ldb, icon
function Grichelde:ToggleMinimapButton()
self.db.profile.minimapButton.hide = not self.db.profile.minimapButton.hide
self:DebugPrint("ToggleMinimapButton : hidden: ", self.db.profile.minimapButton.hide)
if self.db.profile.minimapButton.hide then
function Grichelde:ShowMinimapButton()
if self.icon then
function Grichelde:HideMinimapButton()
if self.icon then
function Grichelde:ToggleActivation()
self.db.profile.enabled = not self.db.profile.enabled
-- refresh option UI if open at the moment
self.dialog:SelectGroup(, "enabled")
local formatString = self.L.AddonLoaded
local darkened = Grichelde.MINIMAP_ENABLED
if not self.db.profile.enabled then
formatString = self.L.AddonUnloaded
darkened = Grichelde.MINIMAP_DARKENDED
if self.dialog ~= nil and self.dialog.OpenFrames[] ~= nil then
local namePlusVersion = self:Format(self.L.AddonNamePlusVersion, self.L.AddonName, self.version)
local statusText = self:Format(formatString, namePlusVersion)
self.ldb.iconR = darkened
self.ldb.iconG = darkened
self.ldb.iconB = darkened

@ -2,8 +2,10 @@
local _G = _G
local Grichelde = _G.Grichelde
local nilOrEmpty, pairs, find, match, toString, toNumber
= Grichelde.functions.nilOrEmpty, Grichelde.functions.pairs, Grichelde.functions.find, Grichelde.functions.match, Grichelde.functions.toString, Grichelde.functions.toNumber
local nilOrEmpty, pairs, tContains, tWipe, find, match, color, toString, toNumber
= Grichelde.functions.nilOrEmpty, Grichelde.functions.pairs, Grichelde.functions.tContains, Grichelde.functions.tWipe, Grichelde.functions.find, Grichelde.functions.match, Grichelde.functions.color, Grichelde.functions.toString, Grichelde.functions.toNumber
local selectedExample = 1
function Grichelde:CreateOptionsUI()
return {
@ -20,6 +22,7 @@ function Grichelde:CreateOptionsUI()
type = "toggle",
name = self.L.Options_Enabled_Name,
desc = self:Format(self.L.Options_Enabled_Desc, self.L.AddonName),
set = function() self:ToggleActivation() end,
disabled = false,
minimapButton = {
@ -27,25 +30,62 @@ function Grichelde:CreateOptionsUI()
type = "toggle",
name = self.L.Options_Minimap_Button_Name,
desc = self.L.Options_Minimap_Button_Desc,
set = function(info, val) self:ToogleMinimapButton(info, val) end,
get = function(info) return not self.db.profile.minimapButton.hide end,
set = function(_, _) self:ToggleMinimapButton() end,
get = function(_) return not self.db.profile.minimapButton.hide end,
disabled = false,
channels = {
replacements = {
order = 2,
type = "group",
name = self.L.Options_Replacements_Group_Name,
desc = self.L.Options_Replacements_Group_Desc,
args = {
add = {
order = 0,
type = "execute",
confirm = false,
name = self.L.Options_Replacements_Add_Name,
desc = self.L.Options_Replacements_Add_Desc,
func = function(info) self:AddEmptyMapping(info) end,
deleteAll = {
order = 1,
type = "execute",
confirm = true,
confirmText = self.L.Options_Replacements_DeleteAll_ConfirmText,
name = self.L.Options_Replacements_DeleteAll_Name,
desc = self.L.Options_Replacements_DeleteAll_Desc,
func = function(info) self:DeleteAllMappings(info) end,
header = {
order = 3,
type = "description",
name = self.L.Options_Replacements_Header,
spacer1 = {
order = 4,
type = "header",
name = "",
channels = {
order = 3,
type = "group",
name = self.L.Options_Channels_Group_Name,
desc = self:Format(self.L.Options_Channels_Group_Desc, self.L.AddonName),
args = {
header = {
order = 1,
type = "description",
name = self.L.Options_Channels_Header
name = self.L.Options_Channels_Header,
spacer = {
spacer2 = {
order = 2,
type = "header",
name = ""
name = "",
say = {
order = 10,
@ -113,45 +153,106 @@ function Grichelde:CreateOptionsUI()
name = self.L.Options_Channel_Whisper_Name,
desc = self:Format(self.L.Options_Channel_Whisper_Desc, self.L.AddonName),
replacements = {
order = 3,
help = {
order = -1,
type = "group",
name = self.L.Options_Replacements_Group_Name,
desc = self.L.Options_Replacements_Group_Desc,
childGroups = "tab",
name = self.L.Options_Help_Group_Name,
desc = self.L.Options_Help_Group_Desc,
disabled = false,
args = {
add = {
order = 0,
type = "execute",
confirm = false,
name = self.L.Options_Replacements_Add_Name,
desc = self.L.Options_Replacements_Add_Desc,
func = function(info) self:AddEmptyMapping(info) end
basics = {
order = 10,
type = "group",
name = self.L.Options_Help_Tab_Basics_Name,
desc = self.L.Options_Help_Tab_Basics_Desc,
args = {
paragraph1 = {
order = 1,
type = "description",
name = self.L.Options_Help_Basics,
fontSize = "medium",
deleteAll = {
order = 1,
type = "execute",
confirm = true,
confirmText = self.L.Options_Replacements_DeleteAll_ConfirmText,
name = self.L.Options_Replacements_DeleteAll_Name,
desc = self.L.Options_Replacements_DeleteAll_Desc,
func = function(info) self:DeleteAllMappings(info) end
expert = {
order = 11,
type = "group",
name = self.L.Options_Help_Tab_Expert_Name,
desc = self.L.Options_Help_Tab_Expert_Desc,
args = {
paragraph4 = {
order = 1,
type = "description",
name = self.L.Options_Help_Expert,
fontSize = "medium",
header = {
order = 3,
type = "description",
name = self.L.Options_Replacements_Header
examples = {
order = 12,
type = "group",
name = self.L.Options_Help_Tab_Examples_Name,
desc = self.L.Options_Help_Tab_Examples_Desc,
args = {
note = {
order = 1,
type = "description",
name = self.L.Options_Help_Examples_Note,
header = {
order = 2,
type = "description",
name = self.L.Options_Help_Examples0_Header,
fontSize = "medium",
width = 2.5,
dropDown = {
order = 3,
type = "select",
name = "",
--width = 1,
values = {
-- self.L.Options_Help_Examples7_Select,
set = function(info, val) selectedExample = val end,
get = function(_) = self.L["Options_Help_Examples" .. selectedExample .. "_Header"] = self.L["Options_Help_Examples" .. selectedExample .. "_Text"]
self.dialog:SelectGroup(, "help", "examples", "")
return selectedExample
spacer3 = {
order = 4,
type = "header",
name = "",
example = {
order = 5,
type = "description",
name = self.L.Options_Help_Examples0_Text,
fontSize = "medium",
spacer = {
order = 4,
type = "header",
name = ""
disclaimer = {
order = 20,
type = "description",
name = self.L.Options_Help_Disclaimer,
@ -162,69 +263,89 @@ function Grichelde:CreateMapping(offset)
name = function(info) return self:MappingName(info) end,
desc = self.L.Options_Mapping_Group_Desc,
childGroups = "tree",
disabled = function(info) return not self:IsMappingActive(info) end,
args = {
searchText = {
order = 0,
type = "input",
name = self.L.Options_Mapping_SearchText_Name,
desc = self.L.Options_Mapping_SearchText_Desc,
replaceText = {
order = 1,
type = "input",
name = self.L.Options_Mapping_ReplaceText_Name,
desc = self.L.Options_Mapping_ReplaceText_Desc,
exactCase = {
order = 2,
type = "toggle",
name = self.L.Options_Mapping_ExactCase_Name,
desc = self.L.Options_Mapping_ExactCase_Desc,
width = "full",
consolidate = {
order = 3,
type = "toggle",
name = self.L.Options_Mapping_Consolidate_Name,
desc = self.L.Options_Mapping_Consolidate_Desc,
width = "full"
moveUp = {
order = 10,
order = 0,
type = "execute",
-- name = self.L.Options_Mapping_MoveUp_Name,
name = "",
desc = self.L.Options_Mapping_MoveUp_Desc,
image = Grichelde.ICONS.MOVE_UP,
image = function(info) return self:GetMoveUpImage(info) end,
width = 0.15,
func = function(info) self:MoveUp(info) end
func = function(info) self:MoveUp(info) end,
moveDown = {
order = 11,
order = 1,
type = "execute",
-- name = self.L.Options_Mapping_MoveDown_Name,
name = "",
desc = self.L.Options_Mapping_MoveDown_Desc,
image = Grichelde.ICONS.MOVE_DOWN,
image = function(info) return self:GetMoveDownImage(info) end,
width = 0.15,
func = function(info) self:MoveDown(info) end
func = function(info) self:MoveDown(info) end,
spacer = {
order = 18,
spacer4 = {
order = 2,
type = "description",
name = "",
width = 1.2,
width = 0.1,
active = {
order = 3,
type = "toggle",
name = self.L.Options_Mapping_Enabled_Name,
desc = self.L.Options_Mapping_Enabled_Desc,
width = 2.2,
delete = {
order = 19,
order = 4,
type = "execute",
confirm = true,
confirmText = self.L.Options_Mapping_Delete_ConfirmText,
name = self.L.Options_Mapping_Delete_Name,
name = "",
desc = self.L.Options_Mapping_Delete_Desc,
width = 0.5,
func = function(info) self:DeleteMapping(info) end
image = function(info) return self:GetDeleteImage(info) end,
width = 0.1,
func = function(info) self:DeleteMapping(info) end,
searchText = {
order = 10,
type = "input",
name = self.L.Options_Mapping_SearchText_Name,
desc = self.L.Options_Mapping_SearchText_Desc,
replaceText = {
order = 11,
type = "input",
name = self.L.Options_Mapping_ReplaceText_Name,
desc = self.L.Options_Mapping_ReplaceText_Desc,
exactCase = {
order = 20,
type = "toggle",
name = self.L.Options_Mapping_ExactCase_Name,
desc = self.L.Options_Mapping_ExactCase_Desc,
width = "full",
consolidate = {
order = 21,
type = "toggle",
name = self.L.Options_Mapping_Consolidate_Name,
desc = self.L.Options_Mapping_Consolidate_Desc,
width = "full",
stopOnMatch = {
order = 22,
type = "toggle",
name = self.L.Options_Mapping_StopOnMatch_Name,
desc = self.L.Options_Mapping_StopOnMatch_Desc,
width = "full",
@ -233,6 +354,7 @@ function Grichelde:SetupOptions()
-- add DB-backed profiles to UI options
local options = self:CreateOptionsUI()
options.args.profiles = LibStub("AceDBOptions-3.0"):GetOptionsTable(self.db)
options.args.profiles.order = 8
options.args.profiles.disabled = false
-- Adding options to blizzard frame
@ -245,16 +367,17 @@ end
function Grichelde:RefreshOptions(event)
self:DebugPrint("RefreshOptions : event:", event)
local currentProfile = color(Grichelde.COLOR_CODES.GREEN, self.db:GetCurrentProfile())
if event == "OnNewProfile" then
self:PrefixedPrint(self.L.Profiles_Created, self.COLOR_CODES.GREEN .. self.db:GetCurrentProfile() .. self.COLOR_CODES.CLOSE)
self:PrefixedPrint(self.L.Profiles_Created, currentProfile)
elseif event == "OnProfileChanged" then
self:PrefixedPrint(self.L.Profiles_Loaded, self.COLOR_CODES.GREEN .. self.db:GetCurrentProfile() .. self.COLOR_CODES.CLOSE)
self:PrefixedPrint(self.L.Profiles_Loaded, currentProfile)
elseif event == "OnProfileDeleted" then
self:PrefixedPrint(self.L.Profiles_Deleted, self.COLOR_CODES.GREEN .. self.db:GetCurrentProfile() .. self.COLOR_CODES.CLOSE)
self:PrefixedPrint(self.L.Profiles_Deleted, currentProfile)
elseif event == "OnProfileCopied" then
self:PrefixedPrint(self.L.Profiles_Copied, self.COLOR_CODES.GREEN .. self.db:GetCurrentProfile() .. self.COLOR_CODES.CLOSE)
self:PrefixedPrint(self.L.Profiles_Copied, currentProfile)
elseif event == "OnProfileReset" then
self:PrefixedPrint(self.L.Profiles_Reset, self.COLOR_CODES.GREEN .. self.db:GetCurrentProfile() .. self.COLOR_CODES.CLOSE)
self:PrefixedPrint(self.L.Profiles_Reset, currentProfile)
self:DebugPrint("Refreshing Profile %s on options change: %s", self.db:GetCurrentProfile(), event)
@ -263,53 +386,9 @@ function Grichelde:RefreshOptions(event)
--- add Minimap button
function Grichelde:MinimapButton()
local function toggleOptionsUI(_, button)
if button == 'LeftButton' then
elseif button == 'RightButton' then
local function tooltip(tooltip)
if not tooltip or not tooltip.AddLine then return end
tooltip:AddDoubleLine(self.L.Options_Minimap_Tooltip_Options_Left, self.L.Options_Minimap_Tooltip_Options_Right,
Grichelde.COLORS.GREEN.r, Grichelde.COLORS.GREEN.g, Grichelde.COLORS.GREEN.b, Grichelde.COLORS.GREEN.a,
Grichelde.COLORS.NORMAL.r, Grichelde.COLORS.NORMAL.g, Grichelde.COLORS.NORMAL.b, Grichelde.COLORS.NORMAL.a
tooltip:AddDoubleLine(self.L.Options_Minimap_Tooltip_Mappings_Left, self.L.Options_Minimap_Tooltip_Mappings_Right,
Grichelde.COLORS.GREEN.r, Grichelde.COLORS.GREEN.g, Grichelde.COLORS.GREEN.b, Grichelde.COLORS.GREEN.a,
Grichelde.COLORS.NORMAL.r, Grichelde.COLORS.NORMAL.g, Grichelde.COLORS.NORMAL.b, Grichelde.COLORS.NORMAL.a
local ldb = LibStub("LibDataBroker-1.1"):NewDataObject(, {
type = "launcher",
text = self.AddonName,
icon = "Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Holy_Silence",
--icon = ([[Interface\Addons\%s\%s]]):format(,,
OnClick = toggleOptionsUI,
OnRightClick = function() self:ShowMappings() end,
OnTooltipShow = tooltip,
local icon = LibStub("LibDBIcon-1.0")
self:DebugPrint("MinimapButton : hidden: ", self.db.profile.minimapButton.hide)
icon:Register(, ldb, self.db.profile.minimapButton)
return ldb, icon
function Grichelde:ToggleOptions()
self:DebugPrint("MinimapButton : options open: ", self.dialog.OpenFrames[])
if self.dialog.OpenFrames[] then
self:DebugPrint("ToggleOptions : options open: ", not not self.dialog.OpenFrames[])
if self.dialog ~= nil and self.dialog.OpenFrames[] ~= nil then
@ -317,29 +396,78 @@ function Grichelde:ToggleOptions()
function Grichelde:OpenOptions()
if self.dialog ~= nil then
local formatString = self.L.AddonLoaded
if not self.db.profile.enabled then
formatString = self.L.AddonUnloaded
local namePlusVersion = self:Format(self.L.AddonNamePlusVersion, self.L.AddonName, self.version)
local statusText = self:Format(formatString, namePlusVersion)
function Grichelde:CloseOptions()
if self.dialog ~= nil then
--- If all replacements were disabled
-- @return (boolean)
function Grichelde:IsDisabled(info)
if info.option.type == "group" then
if info and info.option.type == "group" then
return false
return not self.db.profile.enabled
--- If all replacements were disabled
-- @return (boolean)
function Grichelde:IsMappingActive(info)
self:TracePrint("IsMappingActive : info")
for i = 0, #info do
self:TracePrint("%d = %s", i, info[i])
if info and info.option.type == "group" then
return true
if not self.db.profile.enabled then
return false
local replacements = self.db.profile.replacements or {}
local currentName = info[2]
local uiElem = info[3]
self:DebugPrint("IsMappingActive : \"%s\"", currentName)
if (tContains({"moveUp", "moveDown", "active", "delete"}, uiElem)) then
return true
return not not replacements[currentName].active
function Grichelde:MappingName(info)
-- self:TracePrint("MappingName : info")
-- self:TracePrint(info)
local option = self.db.profile.replacements[info[2]]
if nilOrEmpty(option.searchText) and nilOrEmpty(option.replaceText) then
return self.L.Options_Mapping_EmptyMapping
return color(Grichelde.COLOR_CODES.GRAY, self.L.Options_Mapping_EmptyMapping)
return self:Format(self.L.Options_Mapping_Group_Name, option.searchText or "", option.replaceText or "")
local name = self:Format(self.L.Options_Mapping_Group_Name, option.searchText or "", option.replaceText or "")
if == true then
return name
return color(Grichelde.COLOR_CODES.GRAY, name)
@ -473,6 +601,66 @@ function Grichelde:MoveDown(info)
function Grichelde:GetMoveUpImage(info)
self:TracePrint("GetMoveUpImage : info")
for i = 0, #info do
self:TracePrint("%d = %s", i, info[i])
local currentName = info[2]
self:DebugPrint("GetMoveUpImage : \"%s\"", currentName)
local _, replNumber = self:SplitOnFirstMatch(currentName, "_")
local currentOrder = toNumber(replNumber)
if (self:IsMappingActive(info) and currentOrder > Grichelde.MAPPING_OFFSET ) then
return Grichelde.ICONS.MOVE_UP
function Grichelde:GetMoveDownImage(info)
self:TracePrint("GetMoveDownImage : info")
for i = 0, #info do
self:TracePrint("%d = %s", i, info[i])
local currentName = info[2]
self:DebugPrint("GetMoveDownImage : \"%s\"", currentName)
local _, replNumber = self:SplitOnFirstMatch(currentName, "_")
local currentOrder = toNumber(replNumber)
local maxRepl = Grichelde.MAPPING_OFFSET
local replacements = self.db.profile.replacements or {}
for replName, _ in pairs(replacements) do
local num = match(replName, "^replacement_(%d+)")
if num and maxRepl < toNumber(num) then
maxRepl = toNumber(num)
if (self:IsMappingActive(info) and currentOrder < maxRepl) then
return Grichelde.ICONS.MOVE_DOWN
function Grichelde:GetDeleteImage(info)
self:TracePrint("GetDeleteImage : info")
for i = 0, #info do
self:TracePrint("%d = %s", i, info[i])
if (self:IsMappingActive(info)) then
return Grichelde.ICONS.DELETE
function Grichelde:DeleteMapping(info)
self:TracePrint("DeleteMapping : info")
for i = 0, #info do
@ -495,28 +683,8 @@ function Grichelde:DeleteAllMappings()
-- do NOT set self.db.profile.replacements = {} it will break defaults
for replName, _ in pairs(self.db.profile.replacements or {}) do
self.db.profile.replacements[replName] = nil
function Grichelde:ToogleMinimapButton(info, val)
self:TracePrint("ToogleMinimapButton : info")
for i = 0, #info do
self:TracePrint("%d = %s", i, info[i])
self.db.profile.minimapButton.hide = not val
self:DebugPrint("ToogleMinimapButton : hidden: ", self.db.profile.minimapButton.hide)
if self.db.profile.minimapButton.hide then

@ -2,10 +2,10 @@
local _G = _G
local Grichelde = _G.Grichelde
local pairs, find, toNumber = Grichelde.functions.pairs, Grichelde.functions.find, Grichelde.functions.toNumber
local pairs, find, color, cOrange, toNumber = Grichelde.functions.pairs, Grichelde.functions.find, Grichelde.functions.color, Grichelde.functions.cOrange, Grichelde.functions.toNumber
function Grichelde:Upgrade_To_v060()
self:PrefixedPrint(self.L.Upgrade_ToVersion, Grichelde.COLOR_CODES.ORANGE .. "0.6.0" .. Grichelde.COLOR_CODES.CLOSE)
self:PrefixedPrint(self.L.Upgrade_ToVersion, cOrange("0.6.0"))
local replacements = self.db.profile.replacements or {}
self:DebugPrint("Upgrade_To_v060 : old database")
@ -22,10 +22,10 @@ function Grichelde:Upgrade_To_v060()
function Grichelde:Upgrade_To_v070()
self:PrefixedPrint(self.L.Upgrade_ToVersion, Grichelde.COLOR_CODES.ORANGE .. "0.7.0" .. Grichelde.COLOR_CODES.CLOSE)
self:PrefixedPrint(self.L.Upgrade_ToVersion, cOrange("0.7.0"))
local replacements = self.db.profile.replacements or {}
self:DebugPrint("Upgrade_To_v070 : old database")
self:DebugPrint("Upgrade_To_v070 : old replacements")
for _, replTable in pairs(replacements) do
@ -33,13 +33,13 @@ function Grichelde:Upgrade_To_v070()
replTable["ignoreCase"] = nil
self:DebugPrint("Upgrade_To_v070 : new database")
self:DebugPrint("Upgrade_To_v070 : new replacements")
return 0, 7, 0
function Grichelde:Upgrade_To_v072()
self:PrefixedPrint(self.L.Upgrade_ToVersion, Grichelde.COLOR_CODES.ORANGE .. "0.7.2" .. Grichelde.COLOR_CODES.CLOSE)
self:PrefixedPrint(self.L.Upgrade_ToVersion, cOrange("0.7.2"))
self:DebugPrint("Upgrade_To_v072 : old database")
@ -51,6 +51,22 @@ function Grichelde:Upgrade_To_v072()
return 0, 7, 2
function Grichelde:Upgrade_To_v080()
self:PrefixedPrint(self.L.Upgrade_ToVersion, cOrange("0.8.0"))
local replacements = self.db.profile.replacements or {}
self:DebugPrint("Upgrade_To_v080 : old replacements")
for _, replTable in pairs(replacements) do
replTable["active"] = true
self:DebugPrint("Upgrade_To_v080 : new replacements")
return 0, 8, 0
function Grichelde:UpgradeDatabase()
local dbVersion = or "0.0.0"
self:DebugPrint("Database version:", dbVersion)
@ -76,6 +92,10 @@ function Grichelde:UpgradeDatabase()
major, minor, patch = self:Upgrade_To_v072(dbVersion)
if minor < 8 then
upgrade = upgrade + 1
major, minor, patch = self:Upgrade_To_v080(dbVersion)
if upgrade == 0 then
@ -83,7 +103,7 @@ function Grichelde:UpgradeDatabase()
if not error then = self.version
self:PrefixedPrint(Grichelde.COLOR_CODES.GREEN .. self.L.Upgrade_Successful .. Grichelde.COLOR_CODES.CLOSE)
self:PrefixedPrint(color(Grichelde.COLOR_CODES.GREEN, self.L.Upgrade_Successful))

@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
local _G = _G
local Grichelde = _G.Grichelde
local type, print, pairs, tSize, select, unpack, find, format, rep, toString
= Grichelde.functions.type, Grichelde.functions.print, Grichelde.functions.pairs, Grichelde.functions.tSize,, Grichelde.functions.unpack, Grichelde.functions.find, Grichelde.functions.format, Grichelde.functions.rep, Grichelde.functions.toString
local type, print, pairs, tSize, select, unpack, find, color, cGray, cDarkgray, cPrefix, format, rep, toString
= Grichelde.functions.type, Grichelde.functions.print, Grichelde.functions.pairs, Grichelde.functions.tSize,, Grichelde.functions.unpack, Grichelde.functions.find, Grichelde.functions.color, Grichelde.functions.cGray, Grichelde.functions.cDarkgray, Grichelde.functions.cPrefix, Grichelde.functions.format, Grichelde.functions.rep, Grichelde.functions.toString
-- show strings differently to distinguish them from numbers
local function plainValue(val)
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ local function tPrint(val, indent, known, printFunc)
-- split at first word of a text line
--- Splits at first word of a text line
function Grichelde:SplitOnFirstMatch(text, delimPattern, start)
if text == nil then return nil end
local pattern = "^(.-)" .. (delimPattern or " " ) .."(.*)"
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ function Grichelde:SplitOnFirstMatch(text, delimPattern, start)
return left or text, right
-- split at last word of a text line
--- Splits at last word of a text line
function Grichelde:SplitOnLastMatch(text, delimPattern, start)
local pattern = "(.*)" .. (delimPattern or " ") .. "(.-)$"
local pos = start or 1
@ -81,10 +81,10 @@ function Grichelde:SplitOnLastMatch(text, delimPattern, start)
return left, right or text
-- split at last word of a text line
--- Splits at last word of a text line
function Grichelde:TestMatch(text, pattern)
local _, _, left, right = find(text, pattern, 1)
self:DebugPrint("TestMatch : left: %s, right: %s", left, right)
local pos1, pos2, left, right = find(text, pattern, 1)
self:DebugPrint("TestMatch : pos1: %d, pos2: %d, left: %s, right: %s", pos1, pos2, left, right)
function Grichelde:Format(message, ...)
@ -117,18 +117,22 @@ function Grichelde:Print(...)
function Grichelde:PrefixedPrint(...)
print(self.COLOR_CODES.PREFIX .. self.L.AddonName .. self.COLOR_CODES.CLOSE .. ":", self:Format(...))
print(cPrefix(self.L.AddonName) .. ":", self:Format(...))
function Grichelde:ErrorPrint(...)
print(cPrefix(self.L.AddonName) .. ": " .. color(self.COLOR_CODES.RED, self:Format(...)))
function Grichelde:DebugPrint(obj, ...)
self:LogPrint(Grichelde.LOG_LEVEL.DEBUG, function(...)
print(self.COLOR_CODES.GRAY .. self.L.AddonName .. self.COLOR_CODES.CLOSE .. ":", self:Format(...))
print(cGray(self.L.AddonName) .. ":", self:Format(...))
end, obj, ...)
function Grichelde:TracePrint(obj, ...)
self:LogPrint(Grichelde.LOG_LEVEL.TRACE, function(...)
print(self.COLOR_CODES.DARKGRAY .. self.L.AddonName .. self.COLOR_CODES.CLOSE .. ":", self:Format(...))
print(cDarkgray(self.L.AddonName) .. ":", self:Format(...))
end, obj, ...)
@ -166,29 +170,29 @@ end
--- Print UI options to chat frame
function Grichelde:PrintOptions()
self:PrefixedPrint(self.COLOR_CODES.PREFIX .. self.L.Debug_Options .. self.COLOR_CODES.CLOSE)
self:LogPrint(-1, function(...)
print(self.COLOR_CODES.PREFIX .. self.L.AddonName .. self.COLOR_CODES.CLOSE .. ":", self:Format(...))
print(cPrefix(self.L.AddonName) .. ":", self:Format(...))
end, self.options.args.replacements.args)
--- Print DB
--- Print current DB profile
function Grichelde:PrintProfile()
self:PrefixedPrint(self.COLOR_CODES.PREFIX .. self.L.Debug_Profile .. self.COLOR_CODES.CLOSE)
self:LogPrint(-1, function(...)
print(self.COLOR_CODES.PREFIX .. self.L.AddonName .. self.COLOR_CODES.CLOSE .. ":", self:Format(...))
print(cPrefix(self.L.AddonName) .. ":", self:Format(...))
end, self.db.profile)
--- Print DB replacements to chat frame
function Grichelde:PrintMappings()
self:PrefixedPrint(self.COLOR_CODES.PREFIX .. self.L.Debug_Mappings .. self.COLOR_CODES.CLOSE)
self:LogPrint(-1, function(...)
print(self.COLOR_CODES.PREFIX .. self.L.AddonName .. self.COLOR_CODES.CLOSE .. ":", self:Format(...))
print(cPrefix(self.L.AddonName) .. ":", self:Format(...))
end, self.db.profile.replacements)
--- Open UI windows with replacements in it
--- Open window with DB replacements in it
function Grichelde:ToogleMappings()
local AceGUI = LibStub("AceGUI-3.0")
@ -230,7 +234,7 @@ function Grichelde:ToogleMappings()
tPrint(replacements, 0, {}, function(s) text = text .. s .. "|n" end)

@ -8,27 +8,57 @@ Intentionally started as a helper addon for a roleplaying friend, Grichelde can
* write out abbreviations for you
* create hilarious moments during roleplay
## Disclaimer
#### No Warranty
The addon is provided "AS IS" and comes without warranty of any kind of function or correctness (for more details, consult the GPL 3 license).
Also the author is not held responsible for any risk or damage the addon or its use might cause, especially lost of progress or data due to crashes of the WoW client.
#### Respect others
This addon does not encourange or intend to hurt or to tease people with speaking disabilities or language disorders.
The responsibility rest on the user completely. Please use the features with care and respect to other players.
## FAQ
### How do I start
#### Where do I start?
Grichelde is active right from the start with default mappings. To open the options UI, either left-click on
the new minimap icon, or type `/gri` or `/grichelde` in the chatbox. All mappings and channels can be configured there.
### My replacement is not taken.
#### Does it replace only letters but also whole words?
Grichelde is capable of handling both, even whole sentences can be replaced.
Only slash commands, item links, textures, placeholders and ooc-markers are excluded from replacement.
#### My replacement is not taken.
After entering a search or replacement text, you see a button "Okay" next to yout input. This is **not** a validation message,
but the save button for text. This is a rectriction from the UI library and can be seen in other addons as well.
but the save button for text. This is a restriction from the UI library and can be seen in other addons as well.
Please click on "Okay" button to save the input permanently.
### I get errors, what should I do?
If it still does not work or gives you errors, please read the next question.
#### I have to disable the Addon frequently. Is there a more elegant solution
Actually there are two solutions:
1. A right-click on the minimap button will disable Grichelde instantly. Right-click a second time will activate it again. Easy, isn't it?
2. You can disable Grichelde permanently and forcefully replace the sentence in the chatbox. I call it "Grichelde-On-Demand" :)
In the chatbox put `/gri` or `/grichelde` in front of your typed text, you can also include the target channel,
i.e. `/gri /guild hello there` and Grichelde will apply the active replacements even if guild channel or Grichelde was disabled.
#### I get errors, what should I do?
Please report your errors here. Make a screenshot or copy both the error message as well as your recent mappings.
You can bring up a small windows with your mapping by right-clicking the minimap icon or entering the "/gri mappings" command.
You can bring up a small windows with your mapping by entering the `/gri mappings` command.
#### Why that strange name?
Grichelde is the name of an undead rogue without a jaw, who was played in RP sessions with a guild member.
She started replacing "s" and "t" letters manually for each line in the chat, which became cumbersome over time.
(If you ever wondered how an Undead without a jaw sounds like, its really hilarious, you should try it.)
Without spelling errors, "Griselde" in German is an old-fashioned female first name.
### Why that strange name?
#### I'm a pro. Does it support regular expressions?
Grichelde is the name of the undead rogue without a jaw, that was played in RP session with my friend.
She started replacing "s" and "t" letters manually for each line in the chat, which is cumbersome over time.
(If you wondered how an Undead without a jaw sounds like, its really hilarious.) Without spelling errors,
"Griselde" in German would be a old-fashioned female first name.
This is actually an unofficial feature. In general the searchText is passed in as Lua, so yes regex can be used in lookups.
There are two caveats: first, Lua does not support PCRE syntax, as it would bloat Lua's simplicity and performance (read [here]( why).
Secondly, Grichelde does not support capture groups in the replacement text, so matches get lost.

@ -2,16 +2,16 @@
<Script file="Libs\LibStub\LibStub.lua"/>
<Script file="Libs\LibDataBroker-1.1\LibDataBroker-1.1.lua" />
<Script file="Libs\LibDBIcon-1.0\LibDBIcon-1.0.lua" />
<Include file="Libs\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0.xml"/>
<Include file="Libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.xml"/>
<Include file="Libs\AceConfig-3.0\AceConfig-3.0.xml"/>
<Include file="Libs\AceLocale-3.0\AceLocale-3.0.xml" />
<Include file="Libs\AceEvent-3.0\AceEvent-3.0.xml" />
<Include file="Libs\AceHook-3.0\AceHook-3.0.xml"/>
<Include file="Libs\AceConsole-3.0\AceConsole-3.0.xml"/>
<Include file="Libs\AceDB-3.0\AceDB-3.0.xml"/>
<Include file="Libs\AceDBOptions-3.0\AceDBOptions-3.0.xml"/>
<Include file="Libs\AceEvent-3.0\AceEvent-3.0.xml" />
<Include file="Libs\AceGUI-3.0\AceGUI-3.0.xml"/>
<Include file="Libs\AceHook-3.0\AceHook-3.0.xml"/>
<Include file="Libs\AceLocale-3.0\AceLocale-3.0.xml" />
<Include file="Libs\AceConfig-3.0\AceConfig-3.0.xml"/>
<Script file="Libs\LibDataBroker-1.1\LibDataBroker-1.1.lua" />
<Script file="Libs\LibDBIcon-1.0\LibDBIcon-1.0.lua" />

@ -1,18 +1,36 @@
local L = LibStub('AceLocale-3.0'):NewLocale('Grichelde', 'deDE')
-- read namespace from global env
local AddonName, _ = ...
local _G = _G
local Grichelde = _G.Grichelde
local L = LibStub('AceLocale-3.0'):NewLocale(AddonName, 'deDE')
if not L then return end
local cYellow = Grichelde.functions.cYellow
local cGray = Grichelde.functions.cGray
local cPrefix = Grichelde.functions.cPrefix
-- system messages
L.AddonName = "Grichelde"
L.VersionAbbr = "v"
L.AddonLoaded = "%s hilft Euch jetzt bei euren Sprachschwierigkeiten."
L.AddonNamePlusVersion = "%s v%s"
L.AddonLoaded = "%s unterst\195\188tzt Euch jetzt bei euren Sprachschwierigkeiten."
L.AddonUnloaded = "%s wartet geduldig Euch weiter unterst\195\188tzen zu d\195\188rfen."
L.Upgrade_ToVersion = "Hebe Databank auf Version %s an."
L.Upgrade_Successful = "Upgrade erfolgreich."
-- debug
L.Debug_Options = "Optionen"
L.Debug_Mappings = "Ersetzungen"
L.Debug_Mappings_Hint = "Der Inhalt der Textbox dient nur zur Fehlersuche und kann herauskopiert werden. Es werden keine Werte aus dieser Textbox eingelesen oder anderweitig verwertet."
L.Debug_Mappings_Found = "%d Ersetzungen gefunden"
L.Debug_Profile = "Profil"
-- errors
L.Error_InvalidCommand = "Ung\195\188ltiger Befehl"
L.Error_InvalidChannel = "Ung\195\188ltiger Kanal"
L.Error_InvalidWhisperTarget = "Ung\195\188ltiger Fl\195\188sterziel"
L.Error_UnsupportedChannel = "Nicht unterst\195\188tzter Kanal"
-- profiles
L.Profiles_Available = "Verf\195\188gbare Profile:"
L.Profiles_Created = "Neues Profil %s angelegt."
@ -24,16 +42,20 @@ L.Profiles_Reset = "Profil %s zur\195\188ckgesetzt."
L.Profiles_Invalid = "Ung\195\188ltiges Profil %s!"
L.Profiles_DeleteError = "Das aktive Profil kann nicht gel\195\182scht werden!"
-- minimap
L.Minimap_Tooltip_Enabled = "%s"
L.Minimap_Tooltip_Disabled = "%s " .. cGray("(inaktiv)")
L.Minimap_Tooltip_Options_Left = "Linksklick"
L.Minimap_Tooltip_Options_Right = "\195\150ffnet oder schlie\195\159t die Einstellungen."
L.Minimap_Tooltip_Mappings_Left = "Rechtsklick"
L.Minimap_Tooltip_Mappings_Right = "Aktiviert oder Deaktivert jegliche Ersetzungen."
-- options
L.Options_Title = "%s Einstellungen"
L.Options_Enabled_Name = "Aktiv"
L.Options_Enabled_Desc = "Aktiviert %s"
L.Options_Minimap_Button_Name = "Zeige Minimap-Knopf"
L.Options_Minimap_Button_Desc = "Zeigt oder versteckt den Knopf an der Miniaturkarte"
L.Options_Minimap_Tooltip_Options_Left = "Linksklick"
L.Options_Minimap_Tooltip_Options_Right = "\195\150ffnet oder schlie\195\159t die Einstellungen."
L.Options_Minimap_Tooltip_Mappings_Left = "Rechtsklick"
L.Options_Minimap_Tooltip_Mappings_Right = "\195\150ffnet das Debug-Fenster mit Ersetzungscode."
L.Options_Channels_Group_Name = "Kan\195\164le"
L.Options_Channels_Group_Desc = "%s ist in folgenden Kan\195\164len aktiv."
@ -73,25 +95,105 @@ L.Options_Replacements_Add_Desc = "F\195\188gt eine neue Zuordnung hinzu."
L.Options_Replacements_DeleteAll_Name = "Alle L\195\182schen"
L.Options_Replacements_DeleteAll_Desc = "L\195\182scht alle Zuweisungen."
L.Options_Replacements_DeleteAll_ConfirmText="Wirklich ALLE Zuweisungen l\195\182schen?"
L.Options_Replacements_Header = "Die Vorkommen links vom Pfeil ( => ) werden in den aktivierten Kan\195\164len gesucht und durch den Text rechts vom Pfeil ersetzt."
.."|nWird die Gro\195\159- und Kleinschreibung ignoriert, wird die Gro\195\159schreibung jedes Zeichens bei der Ersetzung \195\188bernommen."
.."|nDas Zusammenfassen aufeinanderfolgender Treffer vermeidet unsch\195\182ne Wiederholungen, die durch die Ersetzung entstehen k\195\182nnen."
.."|nMit den beiden Standard-Ersetzung wird so aus \"Tasse\" => \"Ckache\"."
L.Options_Replacements_Header = "Die Vorkommen links vom Pfeil \"=>\" werden in den aktivierten Kan\195\164len gesucht und durch den Text rechts vom Pfeil ersetzt."
L.Options_Mapping_Group_Name = "%s => %s"
L.Options_Mapping_Group_Desc = "Dieses Vorkommen wird in den aktivierten Kan\195\164len ersetzt."
L.Options_Mapping_EmptyMapping = "(keine)"
L.Options_Mapping_Enabled_Name = "Aktiv"
L.Options_Mapping_Enabled_Desc = "Diese Ersetzung wird durchgef\195\188hrt"
L.Options_Mapping_SearchText_Name = "Suchtext:"
L.Options_Mapping_SearchText_Desc = "Dieser Text wird in der Chateingabe gesucht."
L.Options_Mapping_ReplaceText_Name = "Ersetzung:"
L.Options_Mapping_ReplaceText_Desc = "Jeder Suchtreffer wird mit diesem Text ersetzt."
L.Options_Mapping_ExactCase_Name = "Exakte Gro\195\159- und Kleinschreibung"
L.Options_Mapping_ExactCase_Desc = "Wenn gesetzt, muss die Gro\195\159- und Kleinschreibung des Suchtextes exakt \195\188berein stimmen. Anderfalls wird die Gro\195\159schreibung jedes Zeichens bei der Ersetzung \195\188bernommen."
L.Options_Mapping_Consolidate_Name = "Fasse aufeinanderfolgende Treffer zusammen"
L.Options_Mapping_Consolidate_Name = "Zusammenfassen aufeinanderfolgender Treffer"
L.Options_Mapping_Consolidate_Desc = "Wenn durch die Ersetzung die Zeichenfolge mehrfach hintereinander steht,|nfasse sie zu einem Vorkommen zusammen."
L.Options_Mapping_StopOnMatch_Name = "Anhalten nach Treffer"
L.Options_Mapping_StopOnMatch_Desc = "F\195\188hrt keine nachfolgenden Ersetzungen mehr durch, wenn dieser Eintrag ein Suchtreffer war."
L.Options_Mapping_MoveUp_Name = "^"
L.Options_Mapping_MoveUp_Desc = "nach oben verschieben"
L.Options_Mapping_MoveDown_Name = "v"
L.Options_Mapping_MoveDown_Desc = "nach unten verschieben"
L.Options_Mapping_Delete_Name = "L\195\182schen"
L.Options_Mapping_Delete_Desc = "L\195\182scht diese Zuweisung."
L.Options_Mapping_Delete_ConfirmText="Diese Zuweisung l\195\182schen?"
L.Options_Mapping_Delete_ConfirmText="Diese Zuweisung l\195\182schen?"
L.Options_Help_Group_Name = "Hilfe"
L.Options_Help_Group_Desc = "Hilfstellungen zu den Suchmustern und zur Ersetzungslogik."
L.Options_Help_Disclaimer = cYellow("Haftungsausschlu\195\159:") .. " Das Addon wird im reinen Ist-Zustand zur Verf\195\188gung gestellt, ohne Garantie auf Funktion und Fehlerfreiheit (f\195\188r mehr Details siehe GPL 3 Lizenzdokument). "
.. "Ferner \195\188bernimmt der Autor keinerlei Haftung oder Gew\195\164hrleistung f\195\188r durch das Addon oder dessen Nutzung entstandene Fehler oder Sch\195\164den, "
.. "insb. den Verlust von Spielfortschritt oder Daten aufgrund von Abst\195\188rzen des WoW-Clients."
L.Options_Help_Tab_Basics_Name = "Grundlagen"
L.Options_Help_Tab_Basics_Desc = "Erl\195\164utert die Grundlagen des Addons"
L.Options_Help_Tab_Expert_Name = "Experte"
L.Options_Help_Tab_Expert_Desc = "Beleuchtet die Besonderheiten bei der Textsuche."
L.Options_Help_Tab_Examples_Name = "Beispiele"
L.Options_Help_Tab_Examples_Desc = "Beispiele f\195\188r bestimmte Szenarien."
L.Options_Help_Basics = cYellow("Reihenfolge")
.. "|nEs sind unbegrenzt viele Textersetzung m\195\182glich, und sie werden in der Reihenfolge der definierten Zuordnungen abgearbeitet, von oben nach unten. "
.. "Ersetzungen sind transitiv, d.h. nachfolgende Zuordnungen beziehen sich nicht auf den Originaltext, sondern das Resultat der vorherigen Ersetzung. "
.. "|nMit der Zuordnung " .. cPrefix("\"a\" => \"b\"") .. " und " .. cPrefix("\"b\" => \"c\"") .. " wird bei Eingabe von " .. cPrefix("\"a\" => \"c\"") .. "."
.. "|n|n" .. cYellow("Exakte Gro\195\159- und Kleinschreibung")
.. "|nBei exakter Gro\195\159- und Kleinschreibung muss die Schreibweise genau \195\188berstimmen, sonst findet keine Textersetzug f\195\188r diese Zuordnung statt. "
.. "Wird die Gro\195\159- und Kleinschreibung ignoriert, wird die Gro\195\159schreibung jedes Zeichens bei der Ersetzung \195\188bernommen. "
.. "|nMit der Zuordnung " .. cPrefix("\"aBcDeF\" => \"uvWXYz\"") .. " wird aus " .. cPrefix("\"abcdef\" => \"uvwxyz\"") .. ", "
.."aus " .. cPrefix("\"ABCDEF\" => \"UVWXYZ\"") .. " und aus " .. cPrefix("\"AbCdEf\" => \"UvWxYz\"") .. "."
.. "|n|n" .. cYellow("Zusammenfassen aufeinanderfolgender Treffer")
.. "|nDas Zusammenfassen aufeinanderfolgender Treffer vermeidet unsch\195\182ne Wiederholungen, die durch die Ersetzung entstehen k\195\182nnen. "
.. "Die Zusammenfassung wird erst nach der Ersetzung vorgenommen, d.h. am vollst\195\164ndig ersetzten Text f\195\188r jede Zuordnung. "
.. "|nMit der Zuordnung " .. cPrefix("\"s\" => \"sch\"") .. " wird aus " .. cPrefix("\"Tasse\" => \"Tasche\"") .. " statt " .. cPrefix("\"Taschsche\"") .. ", "
.. "aber " .. cPrefix("\"schmeissen\" => \"schchmeischen\"") .. ". Solche Randbedingungen beseitigt in der Regel eine weitere Zuordnung wie " .. cPrefix("\"chch\" => \"ch\"") .. "."
L.Options_Help_Expert = cYellow("verk\195\188rzende/verl\195\163ngernde Ersetzungen")
.. "|nIst der Ersetzungstext k\195\188rzer als der eigentliche Suchtext, werden die \195\188bersch\195\188\195\159igen Zeichen des Suchtreffers entfernt. "
.. "Ist der Ersetzungstext l\195\163nger, werden die \195\188brigen Zeichen nach dem Treffer hinten drangehangen. Dabei wird die Gro\195\159- und Kleinschreibung des letzten Zeichens ber\195\188cksichtigt, "
.. "ebenso wie die Gro\195\159- und Kleinschreibung des nachfolgenden Zeichens. Gro\195\159geschriebene Abk\195\188rzungen und Ausdr\195\188cke bleiben so einheitlich. "
.. "|nMit der Zuordnung " .. cPrefix("\"Kr\195\164uter\" => \"Gr\195\188nzeugs\"") .. " wird aus " .. cPrefix("\"KR\195\132UTER\" => \"GR\195\156NZEUGS\"") .. " statt " .. cPrefix("\"GR\195\156NZEUgs\"") .. " "
.. "unter Beibehaltung von absichtlicher Gro\195\159schreibung wie " .. cPrefix("\"Kr\195\132utERGarten\" => \"Gr195\156nzEUGSgarten\"") .. " statt " .. cPrefix("\"Gr\195\188nzeugsGarten\"") .. "."
.. "|n|n" .. cYellow("Standby")
.. "|nErsetzungen k\195\182nnen auch nur bei Bedarf durchgef\195\188hrt werden, selbst wenn das Addon oder ein Kanal deaktivert wurde. "
.. "Vor der Eingabe in der Chatbox schreibt man " .. cPrefix("/gri").. " oder " .. cPrefix("/grichelde").. " und optional noch den Zielkanal "
.. "z.B. " .. cPrefix("\"/gri /p hallo da dr\195\188ben\"") .. " und alle aktiven Zuordnungen werden ersetzt, selbst wenn der Gruppenkanal oder das Addon nicht aktiv sind."
.. "|n|n" .. cYellow("Regul\195\164re Ausdr\195\188cke")
.. "|nRegEx sind sehr m\195\163chtige Such- und Ersetzunsgmuster die h\195\163ufig in der Programmierung verwendet werden. Technisch gesehen benutzt das Addon f\195\188r die Suchen des Eingabetextes bereits regul\195\163ren Ausdr\195\188cke. "
.. "Das Eingeben von RegEx als Suchtext ist allerings eine inoffizielle Funktion und hat zwei gro\195\159e Einschr\195\163nkungen: "
.. "|n1. Leider unterst\195\188tzt Lua nicht den vollst\195\163ndigen Umfang von PCRE. Trotzdem k\195\182nnen einige Muster verwendet werden wie Zeilenanfang " .. cPrefix("\"^\"") .. " "
.."oder Zeilenende " .. cPrefix("\"$\"") .. ", Zeichenklassen wie Zahlen " .. cPrefix("\"%d\"") .. " oder (negierte) Auswahlen " .. cPrefix("\"[^%p]\"") .. ". "
.. "|n2. Es werden keine Gruppen im Ersetzungstest unterst\195\188tzt, so da\195\159 Gruppen einfach verloren gehen. Wegen der Gro\195\159- und Kleinschreibung und steigender Komplexit\195\163t ist diese Funktion auch f\195\188r die Zukunft nicht geplant. "
.. "|nIm Beispiel-Reiter gibt es einige Ersetzungen, welche mit regul\195\164ren Ausdr\195\188cke umgesetzt wurden."
L.Options_Help_Examples_Note = cYellow("Hinweis:") .. " Dieses Addon bef\195\188rwortet nicht und beabsichtig nicht Personen mit (Fremd-)Sprachproblemen |nzu verletztem oder herabzuw\195\188rdigen. Die Verantwortung f\195\188r den Einsatz des Addons obliegt dem Benutzer. |nBitte verwendet die Funktion respektvoll und zur\195\188ckhaltend gegen\195\188ber anderen Mitspielern."
L.Options_Help_Examples0_Header = cYellow("Beispiel")
L.Options_Help_Examples0_Text = "Bitte ein Beispiel aus der Auswahlbox ausw\195\164hlen."
L.Options_Help_Examples1_Select = "fehlender Unterkiefer"
L.Options_Help_Examples1_Header = cYellow("S und P werden durch Zisch- und Klacklaute ersetzt.")
L.Options_Help_Examples1_Text = cPrefix("s => ch") .. "|n|n" .. cPrefix("t => ck")
L.Options_Help_Examples2_Select = "Trollifizierung"
L.Options_Help_Examples2_Header = cYellow("L\195\164\195\159t euch fast wie ein echter Troll klingen.")
L.Options_Help_Examples2_Text = cPrefix("%.$ => , maan.") .. "|n|n" .. cPrefix("ir => ia") .. "|n|n" .. cPrefix("ch => ck") .. "|n|n" .. cPrefix("g => ch") .. "|n|n" .. cPrefix("qu => kw") .. "|n|n" .. cPrefix("t => d")
L.Options_Help_Examples3_Select = "Altmodisch"
L.Options_Help_Examples3_Header = cYellow("Benutzt eine antiquiertere Schreibweise.")
L.Options_Help_Examples3_Text = cPrefix("ei => ey") .. "|n|n" .. cPrefix("\195\159 => sz")
L.Options_Help_Examples4_Select = "Abk\195\188rzungen"
L.Options_Help_Examples4_Header = cYellow("Viel sagen, wenig tippen.")
L.Options_Help_Examples4_Text = cPrefix("gz => Herzlichen Gl\195\188ckwunsch") .. "|n|n" .. cPrefix("gn8 => Gute Nacht") .. "|n|n" .. cPrefix("afk => Bin mal eben weg (AFK)") .. "|n|n" .. cPrefix("MC => Geschmolzener Kern")
L.Options_Help_Examples5_Select = "Eigennamen"
L.Options_Help_Examples5_Header = cYellow("Ersetzt Spielernamen, NPCs oder Orte durch andere Ausdr\195\188cke.")
L.Options_Help_Examples5_Text = cPrefix("Sylvanas => die rachs\195\188chtige Bansheek\195\182nigin") .. "|n|n" .. cPrefix("R\195\188tzkn\195\188bbel => R\195\188tzi") .. "|n|n" .. cPrefix("Unterstadt => Undercity")
L.Options_Help_Examples6_Select = "Lispeln"
L.Options_Help_Examples6_Header = cYellow("Aussprache von S und Z wird zu einem Zischlaut")
L.Options_Help_Examples6_Text = cPrefix("sch => ch") .. "|n|n" .. cPrefix("s => fs") .. "|n|n" .. cPrefix("z => ts") .. "|n|n" .. cPrefix("chs => x")
L.Options_Help_Examples7_Select = "Stottern"
L.Options_Help_Examples7_Header = cYellow("Stottern")
L.Options_Help_Examples7_Text = "p[%s]-$"
L.IgnorePattern_Star = "Stern"
L.IgnorePattern_Circle = "Kreis"
L.IgnorePattern_Diamond = "Diamant"
L.IgnorePattern_Triangle = "Dreieck"
L.IgnorePattern_Moon = "Mond"
L.IgnorePattern_Square = "Quadrat"
L.IgnorePattern_Cross = "Kreuz"
L.IgnorePattern_Skull = "Totenkopf"

@ -1,12 +1,23 @@
local L = LibStub('AceLocale-3.0'):NewLocale('Grichelde', 'enUS', true)
-- read namespace from global env
local AddonName, _ = ...
local _G = _G
local Grichelde = _G.Grichelde
local L = LibStub('AceLocale-3.0'):NewLocale(AddonName, 'enUS', true)
if not L then return end
local cYellow = Grichelde.functions.cYellow
local cGray = Grichelde.functions.cGray
local cPrefix = Grichelde.functions.cPrefix
-- system messages
L.AddonName = "Grichelde"
L.VersionAbbr = "v"
L.AddonLoaded = "%s now helps you with your spelling disabilities."
L.AddonNamePlusVersion = "%s v%s"
L.AddonLoaded = "%s happily assists you with your spelling disabilities now."
L.AddonUnloaded = "%s patiently waits to support you again when needed."
L.Upgrade_ToVersion = "Upgrade database to version %s."
L.Upgrade_Successful = "Upgrade successful."
-- debug
L.Debug_Options = "Options"
L.Debug_Mappings = "Mappings"
@ -14,6 +25,12 @@ L.Debug_Mappings_Hint = "The content of this input box is used for debugging pur
L.Debug_Mappings_Found = "%d mappings found"
L.Debug_Profile = "Profile"
-- errors
L.Error_InvalidCommand = "Invalid command"
L.Error_InvalidChannel = "Invalid channel"
L.Error_InvalidWhisperTarget = "Invalid whisper target"
L.Error_UnsupportedChannel = "Unsupported channel"
-- profiles
L.Profiles_Available = "Available profiles:"
L.Profiles_Created = "New profile %s created."
@ -25,17 +42,20 @@ L.Profiles_Reset = "Profil %s reset."
L.Profiles_Invalid = "Invalid profile %s!"
L.Profiles_DeleteError = "The active profile cannot be deleted!"
-- minimap
L.Minimap_Tooltip_Enabled = "%s"
L.Minimap_Tooltip_Disabled = "%s " .. cGray("(inactive)")
L.Minimap_Tooltip_Options_Left = "Left-Click"
L.Minimap_Tooltip_Options_Right = "Opens or closes the options UI."
L.Minimap_Tooltip_Mappings_Left = "Right-Click"
L.Minimap_Tooltip_Mappings_Right = "Enables or disables any replacements."
-- options
L.Options_Title = "%s Options"
L.Options_Enabled_Name = "Enabled"
L.Options_Enabled_Desc = "Enables %s"
L.Options_Minimap_Button_Name = "Show minimap button"
L.Options_Minimap_Button_Desc = "Shows or hides the button on the minimap."
L.Options_Minimap_Tooltip_Options_Left = "Left-Click"
L.Options_Minimap_Tooltip_Options_Right = "Opens or closes the options UI."
L.Options_Minimap_Tooltip_Mappings_Left = "Right-Click"
L.Options_Minimap_Tooltip_Mappings_Right = "Opens the debug window with mapping code."
L.Options_Channels_Group_Name = "Channels"
L.Options_Channels_Group_Desc = "%s is active in the following channels."
@ -75,13 +95,13 @@ L.Options_Replacements_Add_Desc = "Adds a new replacement mapping."
L.Options_Replacements_DeleteAll_Name = "Delete All"
L.Options_Replacements_DeleteAll_Desc = "Deletes all replacement mappings."
L.Options_Replacements_DeleteAll_ConfirmText = "Do you really want to delete ALL replacement mappings?"
L.Options_Replacements_Header = "All matches on the lefthand side of the arrow ( => ) will be replaced in activated channels by the text on the righthand side."
.. "|nIf case sensivity is ignored, the case for each letter of the matching text is taken over when replaced."
.. "|nConsolidation of consecutive matches prevent unaesthetic repetitions of letters introduced by replacements."
.. "|nWith both default mappings active, the mapping would be \"Tossing\" => \"Ckoching\"."
L.Options_Replacements_Header = "All matches on the lefthand side of the arrow \"=>\" will be replaced in activated channels by the text on the righthand side. "
L.Options_Mapping_Group_Name = "%s => %s"
L.Options_Mapping_Group_Desc = "This lookup will be replaced in activated channels."
L.Options_Mapping_EmptyMapping = "(none)"
L.Options_Mapping_Enabled_Name = "active"
L.Options_Mapping_Enabled_Desc = "This replacement will be processed."
L.Options_Mapping_SearchText_Name = "Search for:"
L.Options_Mapping_SearchText_Desc = "This text is looked up in your chat input box."
L.Options_Mapping_ReplaceText_Name = "Replacement:"
@ -90,10 +110,90 @@ L.Options_Mapping_ExactCase_Name = "exact case"
L.Options_Mapping_ExactCase_Desc = "When set, matches must be case-sensitive. Otherwise the case for each letter of the matching text is taken over when replaced."
L.Options_Mapping_Consolidate_Name = "consolidate consecutive matches"
L.Options_Mapping_Consolidate_Desc = "If after the replacement a text sequence is repeated|ndirectly after another, treat them as one occurrence."
L.Options_Mapping_StopOnMatch_Name = "stop on match"
L.Options_Mapping_StopOnMatch_Desc = "Stops looking for any following replacements, when this one matched."
L.Options_Mapping_MoveUp_Name = "^"
L.Options_Mapping_MoveUp_Desc = "move up"
L.Options_Mapping_MoveDown_Name = "v"
L.Options_Mapping_MoveDown_Desc = "move down"
L.Options_Mapping_Delete_Name = "Delete"
L.Options_Mapping_Delete_Desc = "Deletes this replacement mapping."
L.Options_Mapping_Delete_ConfirmText = "Delete this replacement mapping?"
L.Options_Mapping_Delete_ConfirmText = "Delete this replacement mapping?"
L.Options_Help_Group_Name = "Help"
L.Options_Help_Group_Desc = "Guideance to search patterns and replacement logic."
L.Options_Help_Disclaimer = cYellow("Disclaimer of warranty:") .. " The addon is provided \"AS IS\" and comes without warranty of any kind of function or correctness (for more details, consult the GPL 3 license). "
.."Also the author is not held responsible for any risk or damage the addon or its use might cause, especially lost of progress or data due to crashes of the WoW client."
L.Options_Help_Tab_Basics_Name = "Basics"
L.Options_Help_Tab_Basics_Desc = "Some explanatory notes the the basic behaviour."
L.Options_Help_Tab_Expert_Name = "Expert"
L.Options_Help_Tab_Expert_Desc = "More details on special search options."
L.Options_Help_Tab_Examples_Name = "Examples"
L.Options_Help_Tab_Examples_Desc = "Templates for particular scenarios."
L.Options_Help_Basics = cYellow("Ordering")
.. "|nYou can have an unlimited number of replacements. All mappings will be processed in same order as defined, from top down. "
.. "Replacements are also transitive, so consecutive mappings do not work on the original input but the resulting text from the previous replacements. "
.. "|nBoth mappings " .. cPrefix("\"a\" => \"b\"") .. " and " .. cPrefix("\"b\" => \"c\"") .. " applied, result in the final text " .. cPrefix("\"a\" => \"c\"") .. "."
.. "|n|n" .. cYellow("exact case")
.. "|nIf \"exact case\" is checked, lower and upper case must match exactly to be replaced, otherwise the mapping is skipped. "
.. "If case sensivity is ignored, the case for each letter of the matching text is taken over when replaced. "
.. "|nWith mapping " .. cPrefix("\"aBcDeF\" => \"uvWXYz\"") .. " text results in " .. cPrefix("\"abcdef\" => \"uvwxyz\"") .. ", "
.. "also " .. cPrefix("\"ABCDEF\" => \"UVWXYZ\"") .. " and " .. cPrefix("\"AbCdEf\" => \"UvWxYz\"") .. "."
.. "|n|n" .. cYellow("consolidate consecutive matches")
.. "|nConsolidation of consecutive matches prevent unaesthetic repetitions of letters introduced during replacements. "
.. "Consolidation takes place after all replacements were done, meaning it's applied to the completely replaced text. "
.. "|nWith mapping " .. cPrefix("\"s\" => \"sh\"") .. " text becomes " .. cPrefix("\"tossing\" => \"toshing\"") .. " instead of " .. cPrefix("\"toshshing\"") .. ", yet still " .. cPrefix("\"paths\" => \"pathsh\"") .. ". "
.. "Such edge cases can usually be mitigated with an additional mapping at the end: " .. cPrefix("\"thsh\" => \"thz\"") .. "."
L.Options_Help_Expert = cYellow("shortening/lengthening replacements")
.. "|nIf the replacement is shorter than the actual match, all remaining characters will be skipped. If the replacement is longer, all remaining characters will be appended. "
.. "The case of the replaced character is considered as well as the case of the next character in the original text. That way capital case abbreviations and expressions will not be distorted. "
.. "|nWith mapping " .. cPrefix("\"Body\" => \"Corpse\"") .. " the input becomes " .. cPrefix("\"BODY\" => \"CORPSE\"") .. " instead of " .. cPrefix("\"CORPse\"") .. " "
.. "but still keeps intended exceptions like " .. cPrefix("\"BodYGuard\" => \"CorPSEGuard\"") .. " instead of " .. cPrefix("\"CorpseGuard\"") .. ". "
.. "|n|n" .. cYellow("On-Demand")
.. "|nFor convenience input text in a chatbox can be forcefully replaced, even if the addon or the channel was disabled. "
.. "In the chatbox put " .. cPrefix("/gri") .. " or " .. cPrefix("/grichelde") .. " in front of your typed text, you can also include the target channel, "
.. "i.e. " .. cPrefix("\"/gri /guild hello there\"") .. " and the active replacements are applied even if the guild channel or global switch was disabled."
.. "|n|n" .. cYellow("Regular Expressions")
.. "|nRegex are very powerful search and replacement patterns commonly used in programming. Technically all searches the addon performs on the input text are done with regular expression methods. "
.. "Entering regex as search text however is an unofficial feature and has two major caveats: "
.. "|n1. Unfornately Lua does not support full PCRE syntax and is very limited. Nethertheless some patterns can be used like start of line " .. cPrefix("\"^\"") .. " or end of line " .. cPrefix("\"$\"") .. ", "
.. "character classes like numbers " .. cPrefix("\"%d\"") .. " or (inversed) sets " .. cPrefix("\"[^%p]\"") .. ". "
.. "|n2. There is no support for capture groups in the replacement text, so matches get lost. Because of case sensivity and complexity there are no plans to support this."
.. "|nAnyway, there are some mappings using RegEx in the Example secion."
L.Options_Help_Examples_Note = cYellow("Note:") .. " This addon does not encourange or intend to hurt or to tease people with speaking disabilities or language disorders. The responsibility rest on the user completely. Please use the features with care and respect to other players."
L.Options_Help_Examples0_Header = cYellow("Example")
L.Options_Help_Examples0_Text = "Select an example from the dropdown above."
L.Options_Help_Examples1_Select = "absent jaw"
L.Options_Help_Examples1_Header = cYellow("S and P will be replaced by sibilant and clack sounds.")
L.Options_Help_Examples1_Text = cPrefix("s => ch") .. "|n|n" .. cPrefix("t => ck")
L.Options_Help_Examples2_Select = "trollifier"
L.Options_Help_Examples2_Header = cYellow("Almost sound like a real Troll.")
L.Options_Help_Examples2_Text = cPrefix("%.$ => , mon.") .. "|n|n" .. cPrefix("th => d") .. "|n|n" .. cPrefix("you => ya") .. "|n|n" .. cPrefix("ing => in'")
L.Options_Help_Examples3_Select = "old-fashioned"
L.Options_Help_Examples3_Header = cYellow("Use an outdate pronounciation.")
L.Options_Help_Examples3_Text = cPrefix("oi => oy") .. "|n|n" .. cPrefix("do => doe") .. "|n|n" .. cPrefix("go => goe") .. "|n|n" .. cPrefix("you => thou") .. "|n|n" .. cPrefix("yours => thy") .. "|n|n" .. cPrefix("be => bee") .. "|n|n" .. cPrefix("we => wee")
L.Options_Help_Examples4_Select = "abbreviations"
L.Options_Help_Examples4_Header = cYellow("Say much, type less.")
L.Options_Help_Examples4_Text = cPrefix("gz => Congratulations") .. "|n|n" .. cPrefix("gn8 => Good night") .. "|n|n" .. cPrefix("afk => I'm temporarikly not available (AFK)") .. "|n|n" .. cPrefix("MC => Molten Core")
L.Options_Help_Examples5_Select = "Proper names"
L.Options_Help_Examples5_Header = cYellow("Replace player names, NPCs or locations.")
L.Options_Help_Examples5_Text = cPrefix("Sylvanas => the revengeful banshee queen") .. "|n|n" .. cPrefix("Asmongold => Asmon") .. "|n|n" .. cPrefix("Crossroads => X-roads")
L.Options_Help_Examples6_Select = "lisp"
L.Options_Help_Examples6_Header = cYellow("S and Z will become a sibilant")
L.Options_Help_Examples6_Text = cPrefix("s => th") .. "|n|n" .. cPrefix("ch => tsh") .. "|n|n" .. cPrefix("z => tsh") .. "|n|n" .. cPrefix("dg => ck")
L.Options_Help_Examples7_Select = "stammer"
L.Options_Help_Examples7_Header = cYellow("stammer")
L.Options_Help_Examples7_Text = "p[% s]-$"
L.IgnorePattern_Star = "Star"
L.IgnorePattern_Circle = "Circle"
L.IgnorePattern_Diamond = "Diamond"
L.IgnorePattern_Triangle = "Triangle"
L.IgnorePattern_Moon = "Moon"
L.IgnorePattern_Square = "Square"
L.IgnorePattern_Cross = "Cross"
L.IgnorePattern_Skull = "Skull"

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@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
Sample replacement
Text is replaced in the "Say" channel.
Create multiple mappings between search text and replacement with additional conditions.
Channel configuration
individual channel activation
global, per server, per class, per character
New: Examples
Templates for various situations
Eine Texteingabe wird im "Sagen"-Kanal ersetzt.
Erzeuge bedingte Zuordnungen zwischen Such- und Ersetzungetext.
einzeln pro Kanal aktivierbar
Global, pro Server, pro Klasse, pro Character
Neu: Beispiele
Vorlagen für verschiedene Zwecke
Error Reporting
In case of errors please send me the exact error message and please also provide the mapping from "/gri mappings" (see next screen).
Debug Mappings
In case of errors please send me the exact error message and please also provide the mapping from "/gri mappings".

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