Version 0.3.0

- fixed DB storange and debug printing
master 0.3.0
Lothar Buchholz 4 years ago
parent db3db16594
commit b572203dd2

@ -3,14 +3,20 @@ All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](,
and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
## [Unreleased] Version 1.0 - 2020-05-27
First version to be released
## [Unreleased] Version 1.0 - 2020-05-28
### Added
- add replacements via options UI
- handle replacement via slash command
- case sensitivity
- consolidate consecutive matches
## Version 0.3.1 - 2020-05-28
### Added
- add replacements via options UI
- handle replacement via slash command
## Version 0.3.0 - 2020-05-27
### Fixed
- fixed DB storange and debug printing
## Version 0.2.2 - 2020-05-26
### Added
- added Options UI under Interface Options

@ -14,32 +14,47 @@
limitations under the License.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------]] --
-- upvalues
local _G = _G
-- faster function lookups by mapping to local refs
local string_find = _G.string.find
local string_gsub = _G.string.gsub
local string_len = _G.string.len
local string_rep = _G.string.rep
local string_sub = _G.string.sub
local string_fmt = _G.string.format
local strtrim = _G.strtrim
local strmatch = _G.strmatch
local tostring = _G.tostring
local tInsert = _G.table.insert
local tContains = _G.tContains
local unpack = _G.unpack
local pairs = _G.pairs
local ipairs = _G.ipairs
-- colors:
local PREFIX_COLOR_CODE = "|c00FFAA00"
-- initialize addon
local AddonName, AddonTable = ...
Grichelde = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):NewAddon(AddonName, "AceConsole-3.0", "AceEvent-3.0", "AceHook-3.0")
local Grichelde = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):NewAddon(AddonName, "AceConsole-3.0", "AceEvent-3.0", "AceHook-3.0")
Grichelde.L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):GetLocale("Grichelde", true)
Grichelde.version = GetAddOnMetadata(AddonName, "Version") = GetAddOnMetadata(AddonName, "X-Build") or "Experimental"
Grichelde.hooks = {}
Grichelde.debug = false
-- faster function lookups by mapping to local refs
local string_find = string.find
local string_gsub = string.gsub
local string_len = string.len
local string_rep = string.rep
local string_sub = string.sub
local strtrim = strtrim
local strmatch = strmatch
local tostring = tostring
local tInsert = table.insert
local tContains = tContains
local pairs = pairs
local ipairs = ipairs
local Grichelde_ChatTypes = { "SAY", "EMOTE", "YELL", "PARTY", "GUILD" }
local Grichelde_ChatCommands = { "/s", "/e", "/me", "/y", "/p", "/pl", "/g", "/o", "/raid", "/rl", "/rw", "/i", "bg", "/w", "/r", "/tt" }
-- publish to global env
_G.Grichelde = Grichelde
Grichelde.config = {
enabled = true,
channels = { "SAY", "EMOTE", "YELL", "PARTY", "GUILD" },
slashCommands = { "/s", "/say", "/e", "/em", "/me", "/emote", "/y", "/yell", "/sh", "/shout", "/p", "/party", "/pl", "/partyleader", "/g", "/gc", "/guild", "/o", "/osay", "/officer", "/raid", "/rsay", "/rl", "/raidleader", "/rw", "/raidwarning", "/i", "/instance", "/bg", "/battleground", "/w", "/whisper", "/t", "/tell", "/send", "/r", "/reply" }
-- Ace3 callbacks
function Grichelde:OnInitialize()
@ -53,15 +68,16 @@ function Grichelde:OnInitialize()
function Grichelde:OnEnable()
-- Hook in before message is sent to replace all character occurrences where replacements have been defined in the options
self:RawHook("SendChatMessage", true)
if (Misspelled) then
print("Misspelled detected, Grichelde will have any messsage being cleansed")
if (_G.Misspelled) then
-- tell the world we are listening
self:DebugPrint(self.L.AddonLoaded, self.L.AddonName)
function Grichelde:OnDisable()
@ -95,6 +111,10 @@ function Grichelde:HookIntoForOtherChatAddons(event, addonName)
if (_G.WIM) then
@ -133,10 +153,13 @@ function Grichelde:CheckAndReplace(message, type)
function Grichelde:CheckReplacement(text, type)
-- todo: globally disabled?
if (not Grichelde.config.enabled) then
self:DebugPrint("CheckReplacement : globally disabled")
return false
-- check type
if (not tContains(Grichelde_ChatTypes, type)) then
if (not tContains(Grichelde.config.channels, type)) then
self:DebugPrint("CheckReplacement : skip channel type")
return false
@ -144,7 +167,7 @@ function Grichelde:CheckReplacement(text, type)
-- don't replace slash commands except chat related commands
if string_sub(text, 1, 1) == "/" then
local firstWord, _ = self:SplitOnFirstMatch(text)
if (firstWord == nil or not tContains(Grichelde_ChatCommands, firstWord)) then
if (firstWord == nil or not tContains(Grichelde.config.slashCommands, firstWord)) then
self:DebugPrint("CheckReplacement : ignore slash command")
return false
@ -162,7 +185,7 @@ function Grichelde:CheckForPreversableText(text)
self:DebugPrint("CheckForPreversableText : text is " .. text)
-- do not replace these patterns
local Grichelde_IgnorePatterns = {
local ignorePatterns = {
"|[Cc]%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x.-|r", -- colored items (or links)
"|H.-|h", -- item links (
"|T.-|t", -- textures
@ -181,10 +204,10 @@ function Grichelde:CheckForPreversableText(text)
-- Calling find on ever pattern might be inefficient but its way less code.
for _, pattern in ipairs(Grichelde_IgnorePatterns) do
for _, pattern in ipairs(ignorePatterns) do
local pos1, pos2 = string_find(text, pattern)
if pos1 == 1 and pos2 ~= nil then
self:DebugPrint("CheckForPreversableText : Found ignore pattern " .. pattern .. " at (" .. pos1 .. "," .. pos2 .. ")")
self:DebugPrint("CheckForPreversableText : Found ignore pattern \"%s\" at (%d, %d)", pattern, pos1, pos2)
return pos2
@ -202,8 +225,8 @@ function Grichelde:ReplaceText(text)
-- don't replace non-chat related slash commands
local firstWord, line = self:SplitOnFirstMatch(text)
if (firstWord ~= nil and tContains(Grichelde_ChatCommands, firstWord)) then
self:DebugPrint("ReplaceText : Found slash command " .. (firstWord + "") )
if (firstWord ~= nil and tContains(Grichelde.config.slashCommands, firstWord)) then
self:DebugPrint("ReplaceText : Found slash command %s", firstWord )
-- skip chat slash command
finalText = finalText .. firstWord .. ' '
newText = line
@ -214,7 +237,7 @@ function Grichelde:ReplaceText(text)
while current <= string_len(newText) do
local currentChar = string_sub(newText, current, current)
self:DebugPrint("current/char : " .. current .. "," .. currentChar)
self:DebugPrint("current/char : %s,%s", current, currentChar)
if currentChar ~= '|' and currentChar ~= '{' then
current = current + 1
@ -264,7 +287,7 @@ function Grichelde:ReplaceCharacters(text)
replacement = string_gsub(replacement, "S", "Ch")
replacement = string_gsub(replacement, "t", "k")
replacement = string_gsub(replacement, "T", "K")
self:DebugPrint("ReplaceCharacters : replaced \"" .. text .. "\" with \"" .. replacement .. "\"")
self:DebugPrint("ReplaceCharacters : replaced \"%s\" with \"%s\"", text, replacement)
return replacement
@ -308,64 +331,114 @@ end
-- split first word of a text line
function Grichelde:SplitOnFirstMatch(text, start)
self:DebugPrint("SplitOnFirstMatch : text: " .. text .. ", start: " .. self:EmptyIfNil(start))
local pos = 1
if start ~= nil then pos = start end
self:DebugPrint("SplitOnFirstMatch : text: %s, start: %d", text, start)
local pos = start or 1
local left, right = strmatch(text, "^.- .+", pos)
self:DebugPrint("SplitOnFirstMatch : left: " .. self:EmptyIfNil(left) .. ", right: " .. self:EmptyIfNil(right))
self:DebugPrint("SplitOnFirstMatch : left: %s, right: %s", left, right)
return left, right
function Grichelde:SplitOnLastMatch(text, start)
self:DebugPrint("SplitOnLastMatch : text: " .. text .. ", start: " .. self:EmptyIfNil(start))
local pos = 1
if start ~= nil then pos = start end
self:DebugPrint("SplitOnLastMatch : text: %s, start: %d", text, start)
local pos = start or 1
local left, right = strmatch(text, ".+ .-$", pos)
self:DebugPrint("SplitOnLastMatch : left: " .. self:EmptyIfNil(left) .. ", right: " .. self:EmptyIfNil(right))
self:DebugPrint("SplitOnLastMatch : left: %s, right: %s", left, right)
return left, right
function Grichelde:DebugPrint(message)
if (self.debug) then
function Grichelde:Format(message,...)
local msg = message
local l = select("#", ...)
if l > 0 then
-- sanitize nil values in vararg
local packed = {...}
for i = 1,l do
packed[i] = packed[i] or "nil"
-- print("packed = ", packed)
-- self:tPrint(packed)
-- cannot assign unpacked to a vararg variable and print it for debug
msg = string_fmt(message, unpack(packed))
return msg or "nil"
function Grichelde:Print(...)
local function prefixedPrint(colorCode, prefix, endClose, ...)
print(colorCode .. prefix .. endClose .. ": " .. ...)
function Grichelde:Print(message)
print(GRAY_FONT_COLOR_CODE .. self.L.AddonName .. FONT_COLOR_CODE_CLOSE .. ": " .. message)
function Grichelde:PrefixedPrint(...)
prefixedPrint(PREFIX_COLOR_CODE, self.L.AddonName, _G.FONT_COLOR_CODE_CLOSE, self:Format(...))
function Grichelde:EmptyIfNil(value)
if value == nil then return "" end
return tostring(value)
function Grichelde:DebugPrint(...)
if (self.debug) then
prefixedPrint(_G.GRAY_FONT_COLOR_CODE, self.L.AddonName, _G.FONT_COLOR_CODE_CLOSE, self:Format(...))
function Grichelde:tprint(t, indent, done)
-- in case we run it standalone
local Note = Note or print
-- local Tell = Tell or io.write
local function tLen(t)
local count = 0
for _ in pairs(t) do count = count + 1 end
return count
-- show strings differently to distinguish them from numbers
local function show(val)
if type(val) == "string" then
function Grichelde:PlainValue(val)
if val == nil then
return "<nil>"
elseif type(val) == "string" then
return '"' .. val .. '"'
elseif type(val) == "table" then
if tLen(val) > 0 then
return tostring(val)
return "{}"
return tostring(val)
-- entry point here
done = done or {}
--- Prints any value to default channel, do NOT return a string.
function Grichelde:tPrint(val, indent, known)
if (not self.debug) then return end
indent = indent or 0
for key, value in pairs(t) do
print(string_rep(" ", indent)) -- indent it
if type(value) == "table" and not done[value] then
done[value] = true
Note(show(key), ":");
self:tprint(value, indent + 2, done)
known = known or {}
if val == nil then
print(string_rep(" ", indent) .. "<nil>")
elseif type(val) == "string" then
print(string_rep(" ", indent) .. "\"" .. val .. "\"")
elseif type(val) == "table" then
if tLen(val) > 0 then
for key, value in pairs(val) do
if value == nil then
print(string_rep(" ", indent) .. self:PlainValue(key) .. "= <nil>")
elseif type(value) == "table" then
print(string_rep(" ", indent) .. self:PlainValue(key) .. "= {")
if tLen(value) > 0 then
if not known[value] then
self:tPrint(value, indent + 4, known)
known[value] = true
print("<known table> " .. self:PlainValue(value))
print(string_rep(" ", indent) .. "}")
print(show(key), "=")
print(string_rep(" ", indent) .. self:PlainValue(key) .. " = ".. self:PlainValue(value))
print(string_rep(" ", indent) .. "{}")
print(string_rep(" ", indent) .. tostring(val))

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
## Title: Grichelde
## Notes: Replaces characters you type in the chat box
## Notes-de: Ersetzt eingegebene Zeichen in der Chat-Zeile
## Version: 0.2.2
## Version: 0.3.0
## Author: Teilzeit-Jedi
## eMail:
@ -14,8 +14,7 @@
## X-Embeds: Ace3
## OptionalDeps: Ace3
## SavedVariables: GrichseldeDB
## SavedVariablesPerCharacter: GrichseldePerCharDB
## SavedVariables: GricheldeDB

@ -1,122 +1,102 @@
local AddonName, AddonTable = ...
local Grichelde = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):GetAddon(AddonName)
local AddonName, _ = ...
Grichelde.options = {
name = Grichelde.L.AddonName,
function Grichelde:CreateOptionsUI()
return {
name = self:Format(self.L.Options_Title, self.L.AddonName),
type = "group",
cmdHidden = true,
childGroups = "tab",
set = function(info, val) self:SyncToDatabase(info, val) end,
get = function(info) return self:ReadFromDatabase(info) end,
hidden = false,
disabled = function(info) return self:IsDisabled(info) end,
args = {
enabled = {
order = 0,
type = "toggle",
name = Grichelde.L.Options_Enabled_Name,
desc = Grichelde.L.Options_Enabled_Desc,
set = function(info, val) Grichelde.enabled = val end,
get = function(info) return Grichelde.enabled end,
name = self.L.Options_Enabled_Name,
desc = self:Format(self.L.Options_Enabled_Desc, self.L.AddonName),
set = function(info, val) self.db.profile.enabled=val end,
get = function(info) return self.db.profile.enabled end,
disabled = false,
channels = {
order = 2,
type = "group",
name = Grichelde.L.Options_Channels_Group_Name,
desc = Grichelde.L.Options_Channels_Group_Desc,
name = self.L.Options_Channels_Group_Name,
desc = self:Format(self.L.Options_Channels_Group_Desc, self.L.AddonName),
args = {
say = {
order = 0,
type = "toggle",
name = Grichelde.L.Options_Channels_ChannelSay_Name,
desc = Grichelde.L.Options_Channels_ChannelSay_Desc,
set = function(info, val) Grichelde.enabled = val end,
get = function(info) return Grichelde.enabled end
name = self.L.Options_Channels_ChannelSay_Name,
desc = self:Format(self.L.Options_Channels_ChannelSay_Desc, self.L.AddonName),
emote = {
order = 1,
type = "toggle",
name = Grichelde.L.Options_Channels_ChannelEmote_Name,
desc = Grichelde.L.Options_Channels_ChannelEmote_Desc,
set = function(info, val) Grichelde.enabled = val end,
get = function(info) return Grichelde.enabled end
name = self.L.Options_Channels_ChannelEmote_Name,
desc = self:Format(self.L.Options_Channels_ChannelEmote_Desc, self.L.AddonName),
yell = {
order = 2,
type = "toggle",
name = Grichelde.L.Options_Channels_ChannelYell_Name,
desc = Grichelde.L.Options_Channels_ChannelYell_Desc,
set = function(info, val) Grichelde.enabled = val end,
get = function(info) return Grichelde.enabled end
name = self.L.Options_Channels_ChannelYell_Name,
desc = self:Format(self.L.Options_Channels_ChannelYell_Desc, self.L.AddonName),
party = {
order = 3,
type = "toggle",
name = Grichelde.L.Options_Channels_ChannelParty_Name,
desc = Grichelde.L.Options_Channels_ChannelParty_Desc,
set = function(info, val) Grichelde.enabled = val end,
get = function(info) return Grichelde.enabled end
name = self.L.Options_Channels_ChannelParty_Name,
desc = self:Format(self.L.Options_Channels_ChannelParty_Desc, self.L.AddonName),
partyLeader = {
order = 4,
type = "toggle",
name = Grichelde.L.Options_Channels_ChannelPartyLeader_Name,
desc = Grichelde.L.Options_Channels_ChannelPartyLeader_Desc,
set = function(info, val) Grichelde.enabled = val end,
get = function(info) return Grichelde.enabled end
name = self.L.Options_Channels_ChannelPartyLeader_Name,
desc = self:Format(self.L.Options_Channels_ChannelPartyLeader_Desc, self.L.AddonName),
guild = {
order = 5,
type = "toggle",
name = Grichelde.L.Options_Channels_ChannelGuild_Name,
desc = Grichelde.L.Options_Channels_ChannelGuild_Desc,
set = function(info, val) Grichelde.enabled = val end,
get = function(info) return Grichelde.enabled end
name = self.L.Options_Channels_ChannelGuild_Name,
desc = self:Format(self.L.Options_Channels_ChannelGuild_Desc, self.L.AddonName),
officer = {
order = 6,
type = "toggle",
name = Grichelde.L.Options_Channels_ChannelOfficer_Name,
desc = Grichelde.L.Options_Channels_ChannelOfficer_Desc,
set = function(info, val) Grichelde.enabled = val end,
get = function(info) return Grichelde.enabled end
name = self.L.Options_Channels_ChannelOfficer_Name,
desc = self:Format(self.L.Options_Channels_ChannelOfficer_Desc, self.L.AddonName),
raid = {
order = 7,
type = "toggle",
name = Grichelde.L.Options_Channels_ChannelRaid_Name,
desc = Grichelde.L.Options_Channels_ChannelRaid_Desc,
set = function(info, val) Grichelde.enabled = val end,
get = function(info) return Grichelde.enabled end
name = self.L.Options_Channels_ChannelRaid_Name,
desc = self:Format(self.L.Options_Channels_ChannelRaid_Desc, self.L.AddonName),
raidLeader = {
order = 8,
type = "toggle",
name = Grichelde.L.Options_Channels_ChannelRaidLeader_Name,
desc = Grichelde.L.Options_Channels_ChannelRaidLeader_Desc,
set = function(info, val) Grichelde.enabled = val end,
get = function(info) return Grichelde.enabled end
name = self.L.Options_Channels_ChannelRaidLeader_Name,
desc = self:Format(self.L.Options_Channels_ChannelRaidLeader_Desc, self.L.AddonName),
instance = {
order = 9,
type = "toggle",
name = Grichelde.L.Options_Channels_ChannelInstance_Name,
desc = Grichelde.L.Options_Channels_ChannelInstance_Desc,
set = function(info, val) Grichelde.enabled = val end,
get = function(info) return Grichelde.enabled end
name = self.L.Options_Channels_ChannelInstance_Name,
desc = self:Format(self.L.Options_Channels_ChannelInstance_Desc, self.L.AddonName),
battleground = {
order = 10,
type = "toggle",
name = Grichelde.L.Options_Channels_ChannelBattleground_Name,
desc = Grichelde.L.Options_Channels_ChannelBattleground_Desc,
set = function(info, val) Grichelde.enabled = val end,
get = function(info) return Grichelde.enabled end
name = self.L.Options_Channels_ChannelBattleground_Name,
desc = self:Format(self.L.Options_Channels_ChannelBattleground_Desc, self.L.AddonName),
whisper = {
order = 11,
type = "toggle",
name = Grichelde.L.Options_Channels_ChannelWhisper_Name,
desc = Grichelde.L.Options_Channels_ChannelWhisper_Desc,
set = function(info, val) Grichelde.enabled = val end,
get = function(info) return Grichelde.enabled end
name = self.L.Options_Channels_ChannelWhisper_Name,
desc = self:Format(self.L.Options_Channels_ChannelWhisper_Desc, self.L.AddonName),
@ -124,68 +104,101 @@ Grichelde.options = {
replacements = {
order = 3,
type = "group",
name = Grichelde.L.Options_Replacements_Group_Name,
desc = Grichelde.L.Options_Replacements_Group_Desc,
name = self.L.Options_Replacements_Group_Name,
desc = self.L.Options_Replacements_Group_Desc,
args = {
add = {
order = 0,
type = "execute",
name = self.L.Options_Replacements_Add_Name,
desc = self.L.Options_Replacements_Add_Desc,
deleteAll = {
order = 0,
type = "execute",
confirm = "",
name = self.L.Options_Replacements_DeleteAll_Name,
desc = self.L.Options_Replacements_DeleteAll_Desc,
replacement_0 = {
order = 0,
type = "group",
name = self.L.Options_Replacement_Group_Name,
desc = self.L.Options_Replacement_Group_Desc,
childGroups = "tree",
args = {
searchText = {
order = 0,
type = "input",
name = Grichelde.L.Options_Replacements_SearchText_Name,
desc = Grichelde.L.Options_Replacements_SearchText_Desc,
set = function(info, val) Grichelde.enabled = val end,
get = function(info) return Grichelde.enabled end
name = self.L.Options_Replacement_SearchText_Name,
desc = self.L.Options_Replacement_SearchText_Desc,
replacetext = {
replaceText = {
order = 1,
type = "input",
name = Grichelde.L.Options_Replacements_ReplaceText_Name,
desc = Grichelde.L.Options_Replacements_ReplaceText_Desc,
set = function(info, val) Grichelde.enabled = val end,
get = function(info) return Grichelde.enabled end
name = self.L.Options_Replacement_ReplaceText_Name,
desc = self.L.Options_Replacement_ReplaceText_Desc,
caseSensitive = {
order = 2,
type = "toggle",
name = Grichelde.L.Options_Replacements_CaseSensitive_Name,
desc = Grichelde.L.Options_Replacements_CaseSensitive_Desc,
set = function(info, val) Grichelde.enabled = val end,
get = function(info) return Grichelde.enabled end },
name = self.L.Options_Replacement_CaseSensitive_Name,
desc = self.L.Options_Replacement_CaseSensitive_Desc,
consolidate = {
order = 3,
type = "toggle",
name = Grichelde.L.Options_Replacements_Consolidate_Name,
desc = Grichelde.L.Options_Replacements_Consolidate_Desc,
set = function(info, val) Grichelde.enabled = val end,
get = function(info) return Grichelde.enabled end
name = self.L.Options_Replacement_Consolidate_Name,
desc = self.L.Options_Replacement_Consolidate_Desc,
width = 2
deleteAll = {
order = 4,
type = "execute",
confirm = "",
name = self.L.Options_Replacement_Delete_Name,
desc = self.L.Options_Replacement_Delete_Desc,
local Grichelde_DB_Defaults = {
local Grichelde_DefaultConfig = {
global = {},
profile = {
enabled = true,
channels = {
["*"] = false,
say = true,
emote = false,
yell = true,
party = true,
partyLeader = true,
guild = true,
officer = true,
replacements = {
["**"] = {
left = "",
right = "",
searchText = "",
replaceText = "",
caseSensitive = false,
consolidate = true,
replacement = {
left = "s",
right = "ch",
replacement_0 = {
order = 1,
searchText = "s",
replaceText = "ch",
caseSensitive = false,
consolidate = true,
replacement = {
left = "t",
right = "ck",
replacement_1 = {
order = 2,
searchText = "t",
replaceText = "ck",
caseSensitive = false,
consolidate = true,
@ -195,23 +208,25 @@ local Grichelde_DB_Defaults = {
function Grichelde:LoadDatabase()
-- Called when the addon is loaded
self.DB = LibStub("AceDB-3.0"):New(AddonName .."DB", Grichelde_DB_Defaults, true)
self.DB.RegisterCallback(self, "OnProfileChanged", "RefreshConfig")
self.DB.RegisterCallback(self, "OnProfileCopied", "RefreshConfig")
self.DB.RegisterCallback(self, "OnProfileReset", "RefreshConfig")
local activeProfile = self.DB:GetCurrentProfile()
self:Print("current profile " .. activeProfile)
self.db = LibStub("AceDB-3.0"):New(AddonName .."DB", Grichelde_DefaultConfig, true)
self.db.RegisterCallback(self, "OnProfileChanged", "RefreshConfig")
self.db.RegisterCallback(self, "OnProfileCopied", "RefreshConfig")
self.db.RegisterCallback(self, "OnProfileReset", "RefreshConfig")
function Grichelde:SetupOptions()
-- add DB-backed profiles to UI options
self.options.args.profile = LibStub("AceDBOptions-3.0"):GetOptionsTable(self.DB)
-- self.options.args.profile.order = 1
self.options = self:CreateOptionsUI()
self.options.args.profiles = LibStub("AceDBOptions-3.0"):GetOptionsTable(self.db)
self.options.args.profiles.disabled = false
local activeProfile = self.db:GetCurrentProfile()
self:PrefixedPrint(self.L.Profiles_Loaded, _G.GREEN_FONT_COLOR_CODE, activeProfile, "|r")
-- Adding options to blizzard frame
self.Config = LibStub("AceConfig-3.0"):RegisterOptionsTable(AddonName, self.options)
self.Dialog = LibStub("AceConfigDialog-3.0"):AddToBlizOptions(AddonName, self.L.AddonName)
LibStub("AceConfig-3.0"):RegisterOptionsTable(AddonName, self.options)
LibStub("AceConfigDialog-3.0"):AddToBlizOptions(AddonName, self.L.AddonName)
function Grichelde:SetupSlashCommands()
@ -229,104 +244,37 @@ function Grichelde:SetupSlashCommands()
self:RegisterChatCommand("gri", HandleSlashCommand)
function Grichelde:RefreshConfig(name)
self:Print("Refreshed: " .. name)
-- profile actions
function Grichelde:SaveProfile(name)
local toCopy = self.db:GetCurrentProfile()
if name and name ~= toCopy then
function Grichelde:SetProfile(name)
local profile = self:MatchProfile(name)
if profile and profile ~= self.db:GetCurrentProfile() then
self:Printf(L.Options_Profile_Invalid, name or "null")
function Grichelde:SyncToDatabase(info, val)
local option = self.db.profile
local path = 1
while ( path < #info) do
option = option[info[path]] -- or nil
path = path + 1
local optionPath = strjoin(".", unpack(info, 1, #info))
self:DebugPrint("change option \"%s\" from %s to %s", optionPath, tostring(option[info[path]]), tostring(val))
option[info[path]] = val
function Grichelde:DeleteProfile(name)
local profile = self:MatchProfile(name)
if profile and profile ~= self.db:GetCurrentProfile() then
function Grichelde:ReadFromDatabase(info)
local option = self.db.profile
local path = 1
while (path <= #info) do
option = option[info[path]] -- or nil
path = path + 1
local optionPath = strjoin(".", unpack(info, 1, #info))
self:DebugPrint("read option \"%s\": %s", optionPath, tostring(option))
return option
function Grichelde:CopyProfile(name)
if name and name ~= self.db:GetCurrentProfile() then
function Grichelde:IsDisabled(info)
if info.option.type == "group" then
return false
return not self.db.profile.enabled
function Grichelde:ResetProfile()
function Grichelde:RefreshConfig(event)
self:Print(self.L.Profiles_Refreshed, _G.GREEN_FONT_COLOR_CODE, self.db:GetCurrentProfile(), "|r")
function Grichelde:ListProfiles()
local current = self.db:GetCurrentProfile()
for _, k in ipairs(self.db:GetProfiles()) do
if k == current then
print(" - " .. k, 1, 1, 0)
print(" - " .. k)
function Grichelde:MatchProfile(name)
name = name:lower()
local nameRealm = name .. " - " .. GetRealmName():lower()
local match
for _, k in ipairs(self.db:GetProfiles()) do
local key = k:lower()
if key == name then
return k
elseif key == nameRealm then
match = k
return match
-- profile events
function Grichelde:OnNewProfile(msg, db, name)
self:Printf(L.Options_Profile_Created, name)
function Grichelde:OnProfileDeleted(msg, db, name)
self:Printf(L.Options_Profile_Deleted, name)
function Grichelde:OnProfileChanged(msg, db, name)
self:Printf(L.Options_Profile_Loaded, name)
function Grichelde:OnProfileCopied(msg, db, name)
self:Printf(L.Options_Profile_Copied, name)
function Grichelde:OnProfileReset(msg, db)
self:Printf(L.Options_Profile_Reset, db:GetCurrentProfile())
function Grichelde:OnProfileShutdown(msg, db, name)

Binary file not shown.

@ -3,56 +3,69 @@ if not L then return end
-- system messages
L.AddonName = "Grichelde"
L.AddonLoaded = 'Grichelde hilft Euch jetzt bei euren Sprachschwierigkeiten.'
L.AddonLoaded = "%s hilft Euch jetzt bei euren Sprachschwierigkeiten."
L.Addon_Detected_Misspelled = "Das Addon 'Misspelled' wurde erkannt und alle Nachrichten werden automatisch bereinigt."
L.Addon_Detected_WIM = "Das Addon 'WIM' wurde erkannt und alle Flüsternnachrichten aus IM-Fenster werden behandelt."
-- profiles
L.Options_Profile_Available = "Verf\195\188gbare Profile:"
L.Options_Profile_Created = "Neues Profil \"%s\" angelegt"
L.Options_Profile_Loaded = "Profil \"%s\" geladen"
L.Options_Profile_Deleted = "Profil \"%s\" gel\195\182scht"
L.Options_Profile_Copied = "Einstellungen von Profil \"%s\" \195\188bernommen"
L.Options_Profile_Reset = "Profil \"%s\" zur\195\188ckgesetzt"
L.Options_Profile_Invalid = "Ung\195\188ltiges Profil \"%s\""
L.Options_Profile_DeleteError = "Das aktuelle Profil kann nicht gel\195\182scht werden"
L.Profiles_Available = "Verf\195\188gbare Profile:"
L.Profiles_Created = "Neues Profil %s%s%s angelegt."
L.Profiles_Loaded = "Profil %s%s%s geladen."
L.Profiles_Refreshed = "Profil %s%s%s aktualisiert."
L.Profiles_Deleted = "Profil %s%s%s gel\195\182scht."
L.Profiles_Copied = "Einstellungen von Profil %s%s%s \195\188bernommen."
L.Profiles_Reset = "Profil %s%s%s zur\195\188ckgesetzt."
L.Profiles_Invalid = "Ung\195\188ltiges Profil %s%s%s!"
L.Profiles_DeleteError = "Das aktive Profil kann nicht gel\195\182scht werden!"
-- options
L.Options_Title = "%s Einstellungen"
L.Options_Enabled_Name = "Aktiv"
L.Options_Enabled_Desc = "Aktiviert Grichelde"
L.Options_Enabled_Desc = "Aktiviert %s"
L.Options_Channels_Group_Name = "Kan\195\164le"
L.Options_Channels_Group_Desc = "Grichelde ist in folgenden Kan\195\164len aktiv."
L.Options_Channels_Group_Desc = "%s ist in folgenden Kan\195\164len aktiv."
L.Options_Channels_ChannelSay_Name = "Sagen"
L.Options_Channels_ChannelSay_Desc = "Aktiviert Grichelde im Kanal \"Sagen\""
L.Options_Channels_ChannelSay_Desc = "Aktiviert %s im Kanal \"Sagen\"."
L.Options_Channels_ChannelEmote_Name = "Emote"
L.Options_Channels_ChannelEmote_Desc = "Aktiviert Grichelde im Kanal \"Emote\""
L.Options_Channels_ChannelEmote_Desc = "Aktiviert %s im Kanal \"Emote\"."
L.Options_Channels_ChannelYell_Name = "Schreien"
L.Options_Channels_ChannelYell_Desc = "Aktiviert Grichelde im Kanal \"Schreien\""
L.Options_Channels_ChannelYell_Desc = "Aktiviert %s im Kanal \"Schreien\"."
L.Options_Channels_ChannelParty_Name = "Gruppe"
L.Options_Channels_ChannelParty_Desc = "Aktiviert Grichelde im Kanal \"Gruppe\""
L.Options_Channels_ChannelParty_Desc = "Aktiviert %s im Kanal \"Gruppe\"."
L.Options_Channels_ChannelPartyLeader_Name = "Gruppenanf\195\188hrer"
L.Options_Channels_ChannelPartyLeader_Desc = "Aktiviert Grichelde im Kanal \"Gruppenanf\195\188hrer\""
L.Options_Channels_ChannelPartyLeader_Desc = "Aktiviert %s im Kanal \"Gruppenanf\195\188hrer\"."
L.Options_Channels_ChannelGuild_Name = "Gilde"
L.Options_Channels_ChannelGuild_Desc = "Aktiviert Grichelde im Kanal \"Gilde\""
L.Options_Channels_ChannelGuild_Desc = "Aktiviert %s im Kanal \"Gilde\"."
L.Options_Channels_ChannelOfficer_Name = "Offiziere"
L.Options_Channels_ChannelOfficer_Desc = "Aktiviert Grichelde im Kanal \"Offiziere\""
L.Options_Channels_ChannelOfficer_Desc = "Aktiviert %s im Kanal \"Offiziere\"."
L.Options_Channels_ChannelRaid_Name = "Schlachtzug"
L.Options_Channels_ChannelRaid_Desc = "Aktiviert Grichelde im Kanal \"Schlachtzug\""
L.Options_Channels_ChannelRaid_Desc = "Aktiviert %s im Kanal \"Schlachtzug\"."
L.Options_Channels_ChannelRaidLeader_Name = "Schlachtzugsanf\195\188hrer"
L.Options_Channels_ChannelRaidLeader_Desc = "Aktiviert Grichelde im Kanal \"Schlachtzugsanf\195\188hrer\""
L.Options_Channels_ChannelRaidLeader_Desc = "Aktiviert %s im Kanal \"Schlachtzugsanf\195\188hrer\"."
L.Options_Channels_ChannelInstance_Name = "Instanz"
L.Options_Channels_ChannelInstance_Desc = "Aktiviert Grichelde im Kanal \"Instanz\""
L.Options_Channels_ChannelInstance_Desc = "Aktiviert %s im Kanal \"Instanz\"."
L.Options_Channels_ChannelBattleground_Name = "Schlachtfeld"
L.Options_Channels_ChannelBattleground_Desc = "Aktiviert Grichelde im Kanal \"Schlachtfeld\""
L.Options_Channels_ChannelBattleground_Desc = "Aktiviert %s im Kanal \"Schlachtfeld\"."
L.Options_Channels_ChannelWhisper_Name = "Fl\195\188stern"
L.Options_Channels_ChannelWhisper_Desc = "Aktiviert Grichelde im Kanal \"Fl\195\188stern\""
L.Options_Channels_ChannelWhisper_Desc = "Aktiviert %s im Kanal \"Fl\195\188stern\"."
L.Options_Replacements_Group_Name = "Ersetzungen"
L.Options_Replacements_Group_Desc = "Diese Vorkommen werden in den aktivierten Kan\195\164len ersetzt"
L.Options_Replacements_SearchText_Name = "Suchtext:"
L.Options_Replacements_SearchText_Desc = "Dieser Text wird in der Chateingabe gesucht"
L.Options_Replacements_ReplaceText_Name = "Ersetzung:"
L.Options_Replacements_ReplaceText_Desc = "Jeder Suchtreffer wird mit diesem Text ersetzt"
L.Options_Replacements_CaseSensitive_Name = "Gro\195\159- und Kleinschreibung beachten"
L.Options_Replacements_CaseSensitive_Desc = "Groß\195\159buchstaben werden mit Gro\195\159buchstaben ersetzt"
L.Options_Replacements_Consolidate_Name = "Fa\195\159e aufeinanderfolgende Treffer zusammen"
L.Options_Replacements_Consolidate_Desc = "Wenn durch die Ersetzung die Zeichenfolge mehrfach hintereinander steht,|nfasse sie zu einem Vorkommen zusammen."
L.Options_Replacements_Group_Desc = "Diese Vorkommen werden in den aktivierten Kan\195\164len ersetzt."
L.Options_Replacements_Add_Name = "Hinzu"
L.Options_Replacements_Add_Desc = "F\195\188gt eine neue Zuordnung hinzu."
L.Options_Replacements_DeleteAll_Name = "Alle L\195\182schen"
L.Options_Replacements_DeleteAll_Desc = "L\195\182scht alle Zuweisungen."
L.Options_Replacement_Group_Name = "Ersetzung"
L.Options_Replacement_Group_Desc = "Dieses Vorkommen wird in den aktivierten Kan\195\164len ersetzt."
L.Options_Replacement_SearchText_Name = "Suchtext:"
L.Options_Replacement_SearchText_Desc = "Dieser Text wird in der Chateingabe gesucht."
L.Options_Replacement_ReplaceText_Name = "Ersetzung:"
L.Options_Replacement_ReplaceText_Desc = "Jeder Suchtreffer wird mit diesem Text ersetzt."
L.Options_Replacement_CaseSensitive_Name = "Gro\195\159- und Kleinschreibung beachten"
L.Options_Replacement_CaseSensitive_Desc = "Groß\195\159buchstaben werden mit Gro\195\159buchstaben ersetzt."
L.Options_Replacement_Consolidate_Name = "Fa\195\159e aufeinanderfolgende Treffer zusammen"
L.Options_Replacement_Consolidate_Desc = "Wenn durch die Ersetzung die Zeichenfolge mehrfach hintereinander steht,|nfasse sie zu einem Vorkommen zusammen."
L.Options_Replacement_Delete_Name = "L\195\182schen"
L.Options_Replacement_Delete_Desc = "L\195\182scht diese Zuweisung."

@ -3,56 +3,70 @@ if not L then return end
-- system messages
L.AddonName = "Grichelde"
L.AddonLoaded = 'Grichelde now helps you with your spelling disabilities.'
L.AddonLoaded = "%s now helps you with your spelling disabilities."
L.Addon_Detected_Misspelled = "Addon 'Misspelled' has been detected and any messsage will be cleansed automatically."
L.Addon_Detected_WIM = "Das Addon 'WIM' has been detected and any whispers will be handled from IM windows."
-- profiles
L.Options_Profile_Available = "Verf\195\188gbare Profile:"
L.Options_Profile_Created = "New profile \"%s\" created"
L.Options_Profile_Loaded = "Profile \"%s\" loaded"
L.Options_Profile_Deleted = "Profile \"%s\" deleted"
L.Options_Profile_Copied = "Settings applied from profile \"%s\""
L.Options_Profile_Reset = "Profil \"%s\" reset"
L.Options_Profile_Invalid = "Invalid profile \"%s\""
L.Options_Profile_DeleteError = "The current profile cannot be deleted"
L.Profiles_Available = "Available profiles:"
L.Profiles_Created = "New profile \"%s\" created."
L.Profiles_Loaded = "Profile %s%s%s is loaded."
L.Profiles_Refreshed = "Profil %s%s%s refreshed."
L.Profiles_Deleted = "Profile %s%s%s deleted."
L.Profiles_Copied = "Settings applied from profile %s%s%s."
L.Profiles_Reset = "Profil %s%s%s reset."
L.Profiles_Invalid = "Invalid profile %s%s%s!"
L.Profiles_DeleteError = "The active profile cannot be deleted!"
-- options
L.Options_Title = "%s Options"
L.Options_Enabled_Name = "Enabled"
L.Options_Enabled_Desc = "Enables Grichelde"
L.Options_Enabled_Desc = "Enables %s"
L.Options_Channels_Group_Name = "Channels"
L.Options_Channels_Group_Desc = "Grichelde is active in the following channels."
L.Options_Channels_Group_Desc = "%s is active in the following channels."
L.Options_Channels_ChannelSay_Name = "Say"
L.Options_Channels_ChannelSay_Desc = "Activates Grichelde in channel \"Say\""
L.Options_Channels_ChannelSay_Desc = "Activates %s in channel \"Say\"."
L.Options_Channels_ChannelEmote_Name = "Emote"
L.Options_Channels_ChannelEmote_Desc = "Activates Grichelde in channel \"Emote\""
L.Options_Channels_ChannelEmote_Desc = "Activates %s in channel \"Emote\"."
L.Options_Channels_ChannelYell_Name = "Yell"
L.Options_Channels_ChannelYell_Desc = "Activates Grichelde in channel \"Yell\""
L.Options_Channels_ChannelYell_Desc = "Activates %s in channel \"Yell\"."
L.Options_Channels_ChannelParty_Name = "Party"
L.Options_Channels_ChannelParty_Desc = "Activates Grichelde in channel \"Party\""
L.Options_Channels_ChannelParty_Desc = "Activates %s in channel \"Party\"."
L.Options_Channels_ChannelPartyLeader_Name = "Party Leader"
L.Options_Channels_ChannelPartyLeader_Desc = "Aktiviert Activates im in channel \"Party Leader\""
L.Options_Channels_ChannelPartyLeader_Desc = "Activates %s in channel \"Party Leader\"."
L.Options_Channels_ChannelGuild_Name = "Guild"
L.Options_Channels_ChannelGuild_Desc = "Activates Grichelde in channel \"Guild\""
L.Options_Channels_ChannelGuild_Desc = "Activates %s in channel \"Guild\"."
L.Options_Channels_ChannelOfficer_Name = "Officers"
L.Options_Channels_ChannelOfficer_Desc = "Activates Grichelde in channel \"Officers\""
L.Options_Channels_ChannelOfficer_Desc = "Activates %s in channel \"Officers\"."
L.Options_Channels_ChannelRaid_Name = "Raid"
L.Options_Channels_ChannelRaid_Desc = "Activates Grichelde in channel \"Raid\""
L.Options_Channels_ChannelRaid_Desc = "Activates %s in channel \"Raid\"."
L.Options_Channels_ChannelRaidLeader_Name = "Raid Leader"
L.Options_Channels_ChannelRaidLeader_Desc = "Aktiviert Activates im in channel \"Raid Leader\""
L.Options_Channels_ChannelRaidLeader_Desc = "Activates %s in channel \"Raid Leader\"."
L.Options_Channels_ChannelInstance_Name = "Instance"
L.Options_Channels_ChannelInstance_Desc = "Activates Grichelde in channel \"Instance\""
L.Options_Channels_ChannelInstance_Desc = "Activates %s in channel \"Instance\"."
L.Options_Channels_ChannelBattleground_Name = "Battleground"
L.Options_Channels_ChannelBattleground_Desc = "Aktiviert Activates im in channel \"Battleground\""
L.Options_Channels_ChannelBattleground_Desc = "Activates %s in channel \"Battleground\"."
L.Options_Channels_ChannelWhisper_Name = "Whisper"
L.Options_Channels_ChannelWhisper_Desc = "Activates Grichelde in channel \"Whisper\""
L.Options_Channels_ChannelWhisper_Desc = "Activates %s in channel \"Whisper\"."
L.Options_Replacements_Group_Name = "Replacements"
L.Options_Replacements_Group_Desc = "These lookups will be replaced in activated channels"
L.Options_Replacements_SearchText_Name = "Search for:"
L.Options_Replacements_SearchText_Desc = "This text is looked up in your chat input box"
L.Options_Replacements_ReplaceText_Name = "Replacement:"
L.Options_Replacements_ReplaceText_Desc = "Any match will be replaced with this text"
L.Options_Replacements_CaseSensitive_Name = "case sensitive"
L.Options_Replacements_CaseSensitive_Desc = "Honour uppercase and lowercase on replacement"
L.Options_Replacements_Consolidate_Name = "consolidate consecutive matches"
L.Options_Replacements_Consolidate_Desc = "If after the replacement a text sequence is repeated directly after another, treat them as one occurrence."
L.Options_Replacements_Group_Desc = "These lookups will be replaced in activated channels."
L.Options_Replacements_Add_Name = "Add"
L.Options_Replacements_Add_Desc = "Add a new replacement mapping."
L.Options_Replacements_DeleteAll_Name = "Delete All"
L.Options_Replacements_DeleteAll_Desc = "Delete all replacement mappings."
L.Options_Replacement_Group_Name = "Mapping"
L.Options_Replacement_Group_Desc = "This lookup will be replaced in activated channels."
L.Options_Replacement_SearchText_Name = "Search for:"
L.Options_Replacement_SearchText_Desc = "This text is looked up in your chat input box."
L.Options_Replacement_ReplaceText_Name = "Replacement:"
L.Options_Replacement_ReplaceText_Desc = "Any match will be replaced with this text."
L.Options_Replacement_CaseSensitive_Name = "case sensitive"
L.Options_Replacement_CaseSensitive_Desc = "Will not replace occurrences if cases differ."
L.Options_Replacement_Consolidate_Name = "consolidate consecutive matches"
L.Options_Replacement_Consolidate_Desc = "If after the replacement a text sequence is repeated|ndirectly after another, treat them as one occurrence."
L.Options_Replacement_Delete_Name = "Delete"
L.Options_Replacement_Delete_Desc = "Delete this replacement mapping."

Binary file not shown.


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