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1 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Lothar Buchholz 3ff1e6a1d5 Version 1.1.0
- split of messages preserves item links, textures, substitutions and raid target markers
- added safety measures to prevent endless replacement loops
- bumped version for Shadowlands
- bumped version for Naxxramas
- split of messages with excessive length no longer causes errors or broken texts
- proper handling of umlauts
3 years ago

@ -3,6 +3,21 @@ All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](,
and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
## Version 1.1.0 - 2020-12-08
### Added
- split of messages preserves item links, textures, substitutions and raid target markers
- added safety measures to prevent endless replacement loops
### Changed
- bumped version for Shadowlands
- bumped version for Naxxramas
### Fixed
- split of messages with excessive length no longer causes errors or broken texts
- proper handling of umlauts
## Version 1.0.1 - 2020-10-17
### Changed
- bumped version for Shadowlands Pre-Patch
## Version 1.0.0 - 2020-09-01 [First Release]
### Added
- info section with contact and thanks
@ -33,7 +48,7 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
- stop replacements per mapping
- more ooc recognition patterns
### Fixed
- keep cases of over-long replacements
- keep cases of replacements with excessive length
## Version 0.8.0-beta - 2020-06-14 [Feature Complete]
### Added

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
## Interface: 11305
## Interface: 11306
## Title: Grichelde
## Notes: Replaces characters of your chat input line before sending.
## Notes-de: Ersetzt eingegebene Zeichen in der Chat-Zeile vor dem Versand.
## Version: 1.0.0
## Notes-de: Ersetzt eingegebene Zeichen in der Chat-Zeile vor dem Versenden.
## Version: 1.1.0
## Author: Teilzeit-Jedi
## eMail:

@ -2,44 +2,139 @@
local _G = _G
local Grichelde = _G.Grichelde or {}
local IsAddOnLoaded, assert, nilOrEmpty, pairs, ipairs, spairs, tContains, tFilter, tInsert, tConcat, tSize, tIsEmpty, find, sub, gsub, gmatch, getNextCharUtf8, isLetter, isUpper, isLower, toUpper, toLower, capitalize, trim, length, lengthUtf8
local IsAddOnLoaded, assert, nilOrEmpty, pairs, ipairs, spairs, tContains, tFilter, tInsert, tConcat, tSize, tIsEmpty, find, sub, gsub, gmatch, getNextCharUtf8, isLetter, isUpper, isLower, toUpper, toLower, capitalize, bytes2Char, trim, length, lengthUtf8
= Grichelde.F.IsAddOnLoaded, Grichelde.F.assert, Grichelde.F.nilOrEmpty, Grichelde.F.pairs, Grichelde.F.ipairs, Grichelde.F.spairs, Grichelde.F.tContains, Grichelde.F.tFilter, Grichelde.F.tInsert, Grichelde.F.tConcat, Grichelde.F.tSize, Grichelde.F.tIsEmpty,
Grichelde.F.find, Grichelde.F.sub, Grichelde.F.gsub, Grichelde.F.gmatch, Grichelde.F.getNextCharUtf8, Grichelde.F.isLetter, Grichelde.F.isUpper, Grichelde.F.isLower, Grichelde.F.toUpper, Grichelde.F.toLower, Grichelde.F.capitalize, Grichelde.F.trim, Grichelde.F.length, Grichelde.F.lengthUtf8
Grichelde.F.find, Grichelde.F.sub, Grichelde.F.gsub, Grichelde.F.gmatch, Grichelde.F.getNextCharUtf8, Grichelde.F.isLetter, Grichelde.F.isUpper, Grichelde.F.isLower, Grichelde.F.toUpper, Grichelde.F.toLower, Grichelde.F.capitalize, Grichelde.F.bytes2Char, Grichelde.F.trim, Grichelde.F.length, Grichelde.F.lengthUtf8
--- Splits a long text in longest possible chunks of <= 255 length, split at last available space
-- @param text string
-- @return table
-- @return array of chunks
function Grichelde:SplitText(text)
local chunks = {}
local splitText = text
local textSize = length(splitText or "")
while (textSize > 255) do
local chunk = sub(splitText, 1, 255)
local remaining = ""
-- special case: if space is the start of the next chunk, don't split this chunk
if (sub(splitText, 256, 256) ~= ' ') then
-- split at last space, don't assign directly as nil might be returned
local left, right = self:SplitOnLastMatch(chunk)
if (left ~= nil) then
chunk = left
if (right ~= nil) then
remaining = right
local leftGuillemet = bytes2Char(194, 171) .. " "
local rightGuillemet = " " .. bytes2Char(194, 187)
local chunkSize = Grichelde.INPUT_LIMIT - length(leftGuillemet) - length(rightGuillemet)
local function preserveText(newText, chunk, blockText, posEnd)
-- link found, block completed
self:TracePrint("SplitText : Found preservable text up to %s", posEnd)
local preserved = sub(newText, 1, posEnd)
if ((length(chunk) > 0) and (length(chunk .. blockText) > chunkSize)) then
-- block exceeds chunk, chunkify previous blocks
self:DebugPrint("SplitText : add chunk:", chunk)
tInsert(chunks, chunk .. rightGuillemet)
chunk = leftGuillemet .. trim(blockText)
chunk = chunk .. blockText
if ((length(chunk) > 0) and (length(chunk .. preserved) > chunkSize)) then
-- block exceeds chunk, chunkify previous blocks
self:DebugPrint("SplitText : add chunk:", chunk)
tInsert(chunks, chunk .. rightGuillemet)
chunk = leftGuillemet .. trim(preserved)
chunk = chunk .. preserved
self:DebugPrint("SplitText : chunk:", chunk)
blockText = ""
newText = sub(newText, posEnd + 1)
tInsert(chunks, chunk)
splitText = remaining .. sub(splitText, 256)
textSize = length(splitText)
return newText, chunk, blockText, posEnd
-- pickup remaining text < 255
self:DebugPrint("SplitText : last chunk:", splitText)
tInsert(chunks, splitText)
if (length(text or "") <= Grichelde.INPUT_LIMIT) then
self:DebugPrint("SplitText : no chunk:", text)
tInsert(chunks, text)
local lookAheads = { '|', '*', '<', '%', '{', '(', 'o' }
local newText = text or ""
local chunk, blockText = "", ""
local currentChar
local escape = 0
-- must not enforce UTF-8 support here, as the positions are used
while ((length(newText) > 0) and (escape < Grichelde.ENDLESS_LOOP_LIMIT)) do
escape = escape + 1
local previousChar = currentChar
local first, textAhead = getNextCharUtf8(newText)
currentChar = first
self:DebugPrint("SplitText : currentChar, escape: %s, %s", currentChar, escape)
self:TracePrint("SplitText : chunk:", chunk)
self:TracePrint("SplitText : newText:", newText)
-- as there is not OR in Luas pattern matching, search for all of the exclude patterns after another is
-- cumbersome and inefficient -> look for each char consecutively if it matches the starting pattern only
-- and if if matches do full pattern matching
if (currentChar == ' ') then
self:TracePrint("SplitText : block completed")
if ((length(chunk) > 0) and (length(chunk .. blockText) > chunkSize)) then
-- block exceeds chunk, chunkify previous blocks
self:DebugPrint("SplitText : add chunk:", chunk)
tInsert(chunks, chunk .. rightGuillemet)
chunk = leftGuillemet .. trim(blockText)
chunk = chunk .. blockText
blockText = currentChar
newText = textAhead
elseif (tContains(lookAheads, currentChar)) then
-- lookahead-check for all preservable patterns (itemLinks, textures, emotes, ooc, etc.)
-- link detection
local linkPosEnd = self:CheckForLink(newText, currentChar)
if (linkPosEnd ~= nil) then
-- link found, block completed
newText, chunk, blockText = preserveText(newText, chunk, blockText, linkPosEnd)
-- substitution detection
local substPosEnd = self:CheckForSubstitutions(newText, currentChar)
if (substPosEnd ~= nil) then
-- substitution found, block completed
newText, chunk, blockText = preserveText(newText, chunk, blockText, substPosEnd)
-- raid target marker detection
local rtmPosEnd = self:CheckForRaidTargetMarkers(newText, currentChar)
if (rtmPosEnd ~= nil) then
-- raid target marker found, block completed
newText, chunk, blockText = preserveText(newText, chunk, blockText, rtmPosEnd)
blockText = blockText .. currentChar
newText = textAhead
blockText = blockText .. currentChar
newText = textAhead
self:TracePrint("SplitText : main loop completed")
if (length(chunk .. blockText) > 0) then
-- catchup remaining text at the end
if (length(chunk .. blockText) > chunkSize) then
-- block exceeds chunk, chunkify previous blocks
if (length(chunk) > 0) then
self:DebugPrint("SplitText : add chunk:", chunk)
tInsert(chunks, chunk .. rightGuillemet)
chunk = leftGuillemet .. trim(blockText)
chunk = chunk .. blockText
chunk = chunk .. blockText
self:DebugPrint("SplitText : last chunk:", chunk)
-- sub(chunk, 1, 255) can result in broken UTF8 chars and error message
tInsert(chunks, chunk)
return chunks
@ -63,10 +158,11 @@ function Grichelde:ReplaceCharacters(text, replName, replTable, consolidate, rep
local ciPattern = ""
local ignored = {'^', '$', '(', ')', '.'}
local quantifiers = {'*', '+', '-', '?'}
local pos = 1
local p, patRest = getNextCharUtf8(pattern)
local escape = 0
while (p ~= nil) do
while ((p ~= nil) and (escape < Grichelde.ENDLESS_LOOP_LIMIT)) do
escape = escape + 1
if (tContains(ignored, p) or tContains(quantifiers, p)) then
-- ignore
ciPattern = ciPattern .. p
@ -429,47 +525,43 @@ function Grichelde:ReplaceAndConsolidate(text, replacements)
return result
--- Checks if the text starts with a preversable ignore pattern, such as itemLinks, textures, raid target icons,
--- emotes, ooc or %-substitutons and returns the end location of the match, or 0 if no pattern was found
-- @param text string
-- @param currentChar string(1) current character (first one) of the text, given for performance reasons
-- @param previousChar string(1) previous character of the text, otherwise unreachable
-- @param preserveEmotes boolean ignore replacements for emotes, for testing purposes
-- @return number
function Grichelde:CheckForPreversableText(text, currentChar, previousChar, replaceEmotes)
self:DebugPrint("CheckForPreversableText : text:", text)
local replaceEmotes = replaceEmotes or self.db.profile.channels.emote or false
-- Calling find on ever pattern might be inefficient but its way less code than marching over every character
if (currentChar == "|" ) then
--- looks for colored items, item links or textures
function Grichelde:CheckForLink(text, currentChar)
if (currentChar == "|") then
for _, pattern in ipairs(Grichelde.IGNORE_PATTERNS.LINKS) do
local pos1, pos2 = find(text, "^" .. pattern)
if (pos1 == 1) and (pos2 ~= nil) then
self:DebugPrint("CheckForPreversableText : Found link or texture pattern \"%s\" at (%d, %d)", pattern, pos1, pos2)
local match = sub(text, pos1, pos2)
self:DebugPrint("CheckForLink : Found link or texture pattern \"%s\" at (%d, %d)", pattern, pos1, pos2)
return pos2
return nil
-- emote detection
--- looks for emotes
function Grichelde:CheckForEmote(text, currentChar, replaceEmotes)
if (currentChar == "*" or currentChar == "<") then
for _, pattern in ipairs(Grichelde.IGNORE_PATTERNS.EMOTES) do
local pos1, pos2 = find(text, "^" .. pattern)
if (pos1 == 1) and (pos2 ~= nil) then
local emote = sub(text, pos1, pos2)
if (not replaceEmotes) then
self:DebugPrint("CheckForPreversableText : Found emote \"%s\" at (%d, %d), but preserved it", emote, pos1, pos2)
self:DebugPrint("CheckForEmote : Found emote \"%s\" at (%d, %d), but preserved it", emote, pos1, pos2)
return pos2
self:DebugPrint("CheckForPreversableText : ignoring emote \"%s\" at (%d, %d)", emote, pos1, pos2)
self:DebugPrint("CheckForEmote : Processing emote \"%s\" at (%d, %d)", emote, pos1, pos2)
return nil
--- looks for %-substitutions
function Grichelde:CheckForSubstitutions(text, currentChar)
local lowerText = toLower(text)
-- %-substitutions
if (currentChar == "%") then
for _, pattern in ipairs(Grichelde.IGNORE_PATTERNS.SUBSTITUTES) do
local pos1, pos2 = find(lowerText, "^" .. pattern)
@ -479,8 +571,12 @@ function Grichelde:CheckForPreversableText(text, currentChar, previousChar, repl
return nil
-- raid target markers
--- looks for general and localized raid target markers
function Grichelde:CheckForRaidTargetMarkers(text, currentChar)
local lowerText = toLower(text)
if (currentChar == "{") then
-- rt1-9
local pattern = Grichelde.IGNORE_PATTERNS.RAID_TARGETS[1]
@ -501,8 +597,12 @@ function Grichelde:CheckForPreversableText(text, currentChar, previousChar, repl
return nil
-- ooc bracket detection
--- looks for ooc with brackets
function Grichelde:CheckForOocBrackets(text, currentChar)
local lowerText = toLower(text)
if (currentChar == "(") then
for _, pattern in ipairs(Grichelde.IGNORE_PATTERNS.OOC_BRACKETS) do
local pos1, pos2 = find(lowerText, "^" .. pattern)
@ -512,15 +612,63 @@ function Grichelde:CheckForPreversableText(text, currentChar, previousChar, repl
return nil
-- ooc without brackets: remaing text is treated as ooc completely!
--- looks for ooc without brackets
function Grichelde:CheckForOocNoBrackets(text, currentChar, previousChar)
local lowerText = toLower(text)
if (currentChar == "o") then
local pattern = Grichelde.IGNORE_PATTERNS.OOC_NO_BRACKETS[1]
if ((previousChar == nil) or (find(previousChar, "%s") ~= nil)) and (find(lowerText, pattern) ~= nil) then
self:DebugPrint("CheckForPreversableText : ooc for remaing text")
-- remaing text is treated as ooc completely!
return length(text)
return nil
--- Checks if the text starts with a preversable ignore pattern, such as itemLinks, textures, raid target icons,
--- emotes, ooc or %-substitutons and returns the end location of the match, or 0 if no pattern was found
-- @param text string
-- @param currentChar string(1) current character (first one) of the text, given for performance reasons
-- @param previousChar string(1) previous character of the text, otherwise unreachable
-- @param preserveEmotes boolean ignore replacements for emotes, for testing purposes
-- @return number
function Grichelde:CheckForPreversableText(text, currentChar, previousChar, replaceEmotes)
self:DebugPrint("CheckForPreversableText : text:", text)
local replaceEmotes = replaceEmotes or self.db.profile.channels.emote or false
local linkPos = self:CheckForLink(text, currentChar)
if (linkPos ~= nil) then
return linkPos
local emotePos = self:CheckForEmote(text, currentChar, replaceEmotes)
if (emotePos ~= nil) then
return emotePos
local substPos = self:CheckForSubstitutions(text, currentChar)
if (substPos ~= nil) then
return substPos
local rtmPos = self:CheckForRaidTargetMarkers(text, currentChar)
if (rtmPos ~= nil) then
return rtmPos
local oocBracketPos = self:CheckForOocBrackets(text, currentChar)
if (oocBracketPos ~= nil) then
return oocBracketPos
local oocNoBracketPos = self:CheckForOocNoBrackets(text, currentChar, previousChar)
if (oocNoBracketPos ~= nil) then
return oocNoBracketPos
self:DebugPrint("CheckForPreversableText : no ignore pattern found")
return 0
@ -536,49 +684,49 @@ function Grichelde:ReplaceText(text, replacements, replaceEmotes)
local newText = text
local preserveEmotes = replaceEmotes or self.db.profile.channels.emote or false
local replacements = replacements or self.db.profile.replacements or {}
local finalText = ""
local currentChar, previousChar
local current = 1
local lastStart = 1
-- no UTF-8 support required here, as the positions are used
while current <= length(newText) do
previousChar = currentChar
currentChar = sub(newText, current, current)
self:TracePrint("ReplaceText : current/char : %s,%s", current, currentChar)
local finalText, replaceText = "", ""
local currentChar
local escape = 0
-- must not enforce UTF-8 support here, as the positions are used
while ((length(newText) > 0) and (escape < Grichelde.ENDLESS_LOOP_LIMIT)) do
escape = escape + 1
local previousChar = currentChar
local first, textAhead = getNextCharUtf8(newText)
currentChar = first
self:TracePrint("ReplaceText : currentChar : %s", currentChar)
-- as there is not OR in Luas pattern matching, search for all of the exclude patterns after another is
-- cumbersome and inefficient -> look for each char consecutively if it matches the starting pattern only
-- and if if matches do full pattern matching
if (not tContains(lookAheads, currentChar)) then
current = current + 1
if (tContains(lookAheads, currentChar)) then
-- lookahead-check for all preservable patterns (itemLinks, textures, emotes, ooc, etc.)
local textAhead = sub(newText, current)
local posEnd = self:CheckForPreversableText(textAhead, currentChar, previousChar, preserveEmotes)
--local textAhead = sub(newText, current)
local posEnd = self:CheckForPreversableText(newText, currentChar, previousChar, preserveEmotes)
if (posEnd > 0) then
self:DebugPrint("ReplaceText : Found an ignore pattern")
-- split text and continue after preserved text
local textBefore = sub(newText, lastStart, current - 1)
local replacement = self:ReplaceAndConsolidate(textBefore, replacements)
local preservedText = sub(textAhead, 1, posEnd)
-- replace all text up until now
local replacement = self:ReplaceAndConsolidate(replaceText, replacements)
local preserved = sub(newText, 1, posEnd)
finalText = finalText .. replacement .. preservedText
current = current + posEnd
lastStart = current
self:DebugPrint("ReplaceText : restarting at", lastStart)
finalText = finalText .. replacement .. preserved
replaceText = ""
newText = sub(newText, posEnd + 1)
self:DebugPrint("ReplaceText : remaining text", newText)
-- no corresponding end was found to start pattern, continue loop with next char
current = current + 1
replaceText = replaceText .. currentChar
newText = textAhead
replaceText = replaceText .. currentChar
newText = textAhead
-- catchup remaining text to the end
local remainingText = sub(newText, lastStart)
local replacement = self:ReplaceAndConsolidate(remainingText, replacements)
local replacement = self:ReplaceAndConsolidate(replaceText, replacements)
finalText = finalText .. replacement
self:DebugPrint("ReplaceText : replaced \"%s\"", text)
@ -592,22 +740,24 @@ function Grichelde:IsOneBigEmote(text)
-- emote detection
local isEmote = false
-- scheme *emote*
if (sub(firstWord, 1, 1) == "<") then
local firstChar, rest = getNextCharUtf8(firstWord)
-- scheme <emote>
if (firstChar == "<") then
-- search for emote end
local _, emoteEnd = find(text, "%>", 2)
isEmote = (emoteEnd == length(text))
isEmote = (emoteEnd == lengthUtf8(text))
if (not isEmote and (sub(firstWord, 1, 1) == "*")) then
-- search for emote end
local _, emoteEnd = find(text, "%*", 2)
isEmote = (emoteEnd == length(text))
-- scheme **emote**
if (not isEmote and (sub(firstWord, 1, 2) == "**")) then
-- search for emote end
local _, emoteEnd = find(text, "%*%*", 3)
isEmote = (emoteEnd == length(text))
if (not isEmote and (firstChar == "*")) then
if (getNextCharUtf8(rest) == "*") then
-- scheme **emote**
local _, emoteEnd = find(text, "%*%*", 3)
isEmote = (emoteEnd == lengthUtf8(text))
-- scheme *emote*
local _, emoteEnd = find(text, "%*", 2)
isEmote = (emoteEnd == lengthUtf8(text))
-- the whole text is one big emote
@ -659,7 +809,7 @@ function Grichelde:CheckReplacementAllowed(text, channel)
assert(firstWord ~= nil, "firstWord is never nil")
-- don't replace slash commands
if (sub(firstWord, 1, 1) == "/") then
if (getNextCharUtf8(firstWord) == "/") then
self:DebugPrint("CheckReplacementAllowed : skip other slash commands:", firstWord)
return false
@ -691,7 +841,7 @@ function Grichelde:CheckAndExtractMessageTypeTarget(message)
-- first word should be a chat command
if (sub(message, 1, 1) == "/") then
if (getNextCharUtf8(message) == "/") then
-- extract chat command
local chatCmd, targetAndText = self:SplitOnFirstMatch(message)
assert(chatCmd ~= nil, "chatCmd is never nil")

@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ local Grichelde = _G.Grichelde or {}
-- constants and upvalues
Grichelde.LOG_LEVEL = { DEBUG = 1, TRACE = 2 }
Grichelde.INPUT_LIMIT = 255
Grichelde.ENDLESS_LOOP_LIMIT = 10000
Grichelde.MAPPING_OFFSET = 10
Grichelde.MINIMAP_ENABLED = 1.0
@ -116,6 +118,7 @@ Grichelde.BLIZZ_TYPE_TO_OPTIONS = {
-- do not replace these patterns
-- combined item links in the chat will look like this: |cff9d9d9d|Hitem:3299::::::::20:257::::::|h[Fractured Canine]|h|r
"|[Cc]%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x.-|r", -- colored items (or links)
