--[[--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Grichelde - Text Replacer Copyright 2020 Teilzeit-Jedi This addon is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with the addon. If not, see . -----------------------------------------------------------------------------]] -- read namespace from global env local AddonName, AddonTable = ... local _G = _G -- initialize addon local Grichelde = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):NewAddon(AddonTable, AddonName, "AceConsole-3.0", "AceEvent-3.0", "AceHook-3.0") Grichelde.version = GetAddOnMetadata(AddonName, "Version") Grichelde.build = GetAddOnMetadata(AddonName, "X-Build") or "Development" --Grichelde.era = _G.WOW_PROJECT_ID == _G.WOW_PROJECT_CLASSIC --Grichelde.bcc = _G.WOW_PROJECT_ID == _G.WOW_PROJECT_BURNING_CRUSADE_CLASSIC Grichelde.logLevel = 0 -- cannot reference Grichelde.LOG_LEVELs here as they are loaded afterwards -- publish to global env _G[AddonName] = Grichelde -- Ace3 callbacks function Grichelde:OnInitialize() self.L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):GetLocale(self.name, true) -- Build Interface Options window self.db = self:LoadDatabase() self:UpgradeDatabase() end function Grichelde:OnEnable() -- Hook in before message is sent to replace all character occurrences where replacements have been defined in the options self:RawHook("SendChatMessage", true) self.options, self.dialog = self:SetupOptions() self.ldb, self.icon = self:MinimapButton() self:RefreshProfiles("OnEnable") self:SetupSlashCommands() -- tell the world we are listening if (self.db.profile.enabled == true) then local namePlusVersion = self:Format(self.L.AddonNamePlusVersion, self.L.AddonName, self.version) self.F.print(self:Format(self.L.AddonLoaded, self.COLOR_CODES.PREFIX .. namePlusVersion .. self.COLOR_CODES.CLOSE)) end end function Grichelde:OnDisable() self:Unhook("SendChatMessage") self:CloseOptions() self:HideMinimapButton() self:UnregisterChatCommand("grichelde") self:UnregisterChatCommand("gri") end --- Register slash commands 'gri' and 'grichelde' function Grichelde:SetupSlashCommands() self:RegisterChatCommand("grichelde", "HandleSlashCommand") self:RegisterChatCommand("gri", "HandleSlashCommand") end function Grichelde:HandleSlashCommand(input, ...) -- Show the GUI if no input is supplied, otherwise handle the chat input. if (self.F.nilOrEmpty(input)) then self:ToggleOptions() else -- handle slash ourselves self:DebugPrint("Handle slash command: " .. input) if input == "mappings" then self:ToogleMappings() elseif input == "options" then self:ToggleOptions() elseif input == "profile" then self:PrintProfile() elseif input == "on" or input == "enable" then self:Activate() elseif input == "off" or input == "disable" then self:Deactivate() else self:SendChatMessageOverride(input, ...) end end end