-- read namespace from global env local _G = _G local Grichelde = _G.Grichelde or {} local pairs, tInsert, tClone, unpack, join, toString = Grichelde.F.pairs, Grichelde.F.tInsert, Grichelde.F.tClone, Grichelde.F.unpack, Grichelde.F.join, Grichelde.F.toString function Grichelde.getDefaultConfig() return { global = {}, profile = { enabled = true, minimapButton = { hide = false }, channels = { ["*"] = false, say = true, emote = false, yell = true, party = true, guild = true, officer = true, }, replacements = { ["**"] = { order = 999, searchText = "", replaceText = "", exactCase = false, consolidate = true, matchWhen = 2, stopOnMatch = false, }, } } } end function Grichelde.getDefaultSampleMappings() return { replacement_10 = { order = 10, searchText = "s", replaceText = "ch", exactCase = false, consolidate = true, matchWhen = 2, stopOnMatch = false, }, replacement_11 = { order = 11, searchText = "t", replaceText = "ck", exactCase = false, consolidate = true, matchWhen = 2, stopOnMatch = false, }, replacement_12 = { order = 12, searchText = "p", replaceText = "b", exactCase = false, consolidate = true, matchWhen = 2, stopOnMatch = false, } } end function Grichelde:LoadDatabase() local db = LibStub("AceDB-3.0"):New(self.name .."DB", self.getDefaultConfig(), true) db.RegisterCallback(self, "OnNewProfile", "RefreshProfiles") db.RegisterCallback(self, "OnProfileChanged", "RefreshProfiles") db.RegisterCallback(self, "OnProfileDeleted", "RefreshProfiles") db.RegisterCallback(self, "OnProfileCopied", "RefreshProfiles") db.RegisterCallback(self, "OnProfileReset", "RefreshProfiles") db.RegisterCallback(self, "OnProfileShutdown", "RefreshProfiles") return db end function Grichelde:SyncToDatabase(info, val) self:TracePrint("SyncToDatabase : info") for i = 0, #info do self:TracePrint("%d = %s", i, info[i]) end local option = self.db.profile local path = 1 while (path < #info) do if (info[path] ~= "mappings") then option = option[info[path]] end path = path + 1 end local optionPath = join(".", unpack(info, 1, #info)) self:DebugPrint("change option \"%s\" from %s to %s", optionPath, toString(option[info[path]]), toString(val)) option[info[path]] = val end function Grichelde:ReadFromDatabase(info) self:TracePrint("ReadFromDatabase : info") for i = 0, #info do self:TracePrint("%d = %s", i, info[i]) end local option = self.db.profile local path = 1 while (path <= #info) do if (info[path] ~= "mappings") then option = option[info[path]] end path = path + 1 end local optionPath = join(".", unpack(info, 1, #info)) self:DebugPrint("read option \"%s\": %s", optionPath, toString(option)) return option end --- Sorts a replacements table by order sub-field and rename. --- Do NOT reassign self.db.profile.replacements here or with its output as it will break defaults function Grichelde:ReorderReplacements(replacements) local repls = replacements or self.db.profile.replacements or {} self:TracePrint("ReorderReplacements : unsorted table") self:TracePrint(repls) local orderToName = {} local size = 0 for replName, replTable in pairs(repls) do size = size + 1 tInsert(orderToName, replTable.order, replName) end self:TracePrint("ReorderReplacements : size: %d, orderToName", size) self:TracePrint(orderToName) local sorted = {} local index, count = 0, 0 while count < size do local replName = orderToName[index] if (replName ~= nil) and (repls[replName] ~= nil) then self:TracePrint("ReorderReplacements : replName: %s, replTable", replName) self:TracePrint(repls[replName]) local order = Grichelde.MAPPING_OFFSET + count sorted["replacement_" .. order] = tClone(repls[replName]) sorted["replacement_" .. order].order = order count = count + 1 end index = index + 1 if (index > 999) then break end end -- self:TracePrint("ReorderReplacements : sorted") -- self:TracePrint(sorted) return sorted end