local L = LibStub('AceLocale-3.0'):NewLocale('Grichelde', 'enUS', true) if not L then return end -- system messages L.AddonName = "Grichelde" L.AddonLoaded = "%s now helps you with your spelling disabilities." L.Addon_Detected_Misspelled = "Addon 'Misspelled' has been detected and any messsage will be cleansed automatically." L.Addon_Detected_WIM = "Das Addon 'WIM' has been detected and any whispers will be handled from IM windows." -- profiles L.Profiles_Available = "Available profiles:" L.Profiles_Created = "New profile %s created." L.Profiles_Loaded = "Profile %s is loaded." L.Profiles_Refreshed = "Profil %s refreshed." L.Profiles_Deleted = "Profile %s deleted." L.Profiles_Copied = "Settings applied from profile %s." L.Profiles_Reset = "Profil %s reset." L.Profiles_Invalid = "Invalid profile %s!" L.Profiles_DeleteError = "The active profile cannot be deleted!" -- options L.Options_Title = "%s Options" L.Options_Enabled_Name = "Enabled" L.Options_Enabled_Desc = "Enables %s" L.Options_Channels_Group_Name = "Channels" L.Options_Channels_Group_Desc = "%s is active in the following channels." L.Options_Channels_ChannelSay_Name = "Say" L.Options_Channels_ChannelSay_Desc = "Activates %s in channel \"Say\"." L.Options_Channels_ChannelEmote_Name = "Emote" L.Options_Channels_ChannelEmote_Desc = "Activates %s in channel \"Emote\"." L.Options_Channels_ChannelYell_Name = "Yell" L.Options_Channels_ChannelYell_Desc = "Activates %s in channel \"Yell\"." L.Options_Channels_ChannelParty_Name = "Party" L.Options_Channels_ChannelParty_Desc = "Activates %s in channel \"Party\"." L.Options_Channels_ChannelPartyLeader_Name = "Party Leader" L.Options_Channels_ChannelPartyLeader_Desc = "Activates %s in channel \"Party Leader\"." L.Options_Channels_ChannelGuild_Name = "Guild" L.Options_Channels_ChannelGuild_Desc = "Activates %s in channel \"Guild\"." L.Options_Channels_ChannelOfficer_Name = "Officers" L.Options_Channels_ChannelOfficer_Desc = "Activates %s in channel \"Officers\"." L.Options_Channels_ChannelRaid_Name = "Raid" L.Options_Channels_ChannelRaid_Desc = "Activates %s in channel \"Raid\"." L.Options_Channels_ChannelRaidLeader_Name = "Raid Leader" L.Options_Channels_ChannelRaidLeader_Desc = "Activates %s in channel \"Raid Leader\"." L.Options_Channels_ChannelRaidWarning_Name = "Raid Warning" L.Options_Channels_ChannelRaidWarning_Desc = "Activates %s in channel \"Raid Warning\"." L.Options_Channels_ChannelInstance_Name = "Instance" L.Options_Channels_ChannelInstance_Desc = "Activates %s in channel \"Instance\"." L.Options_Channels_ChannelBattleground_Name = "Battleground" L.Options_Channels_ChannelBattleground_Desc = "Activates %s in channel \"Battleground\"." L.Options_Channels_ChannelWhisper_Name = "Whisper" L.Options_Channels_ChannelWhisper_Desc = "Activates %s in channel \"Whisper\"." L.Options_Replacements_Group_Name = "Replacements" L.Options_Replacements_Group_Desc = "These lookups will be replaced in activated channels." L.Options_Replacements_Add_Name = "Add" L.Options_Replacements_Add_Desc = "Add a new replacement mapping." L.Options_Replacements_DeleteAll_Name = "Delete All" L.Options_Replacements_DeleteAll_Desc = "Delete all replacement mappings." L.Options_Replacement_Group_Name = "Mapping" L.Options_Replacement_Group_Desc = "This lookup will be replaced in activated channels." L.Options_Replacement_SearchText_Name = "Search for:" L.Options_Replacement_SearchText_Desc = "This text is looked up in your chat input box." L.Options_Replacement_ReplaceText_Name = "Replacement:" L.Options_Replacement_ReplaceText_Desc = "Any match will be replaced with this text." L.Options_Replacement_CaseSensitive_Name = "case sensitive" L.Options_Replacement_CaseSensitive_Desc = "Will not replace occurrences if cases differ." L.Options_Replacement_Consolidate_Name = "consolidate consecutive matches" L.Options_Replacement_Consolidate_Desc = "If after the replacement a text sequence is repeated|ndirectly after another, treat them as one occurrence." L.Options_Replacement_Delete_Name = "Delete" L.Options_Replacement_Delete_Desc = "Delete this replacement mapping."