You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

246 lines
9.4 KiB

-- import addon read namespace from global env
local _G = _G
local Grichelde = _G.Grichelde
local ipairs, tContains, tFilter, tInsert, tConcat, find, sub, gsub, match, toLower, trim, length
= Grichelde.functions.ipairs, Grichelde.functions.tContains, Grichelde.functions.tFilter, Grichelde.functions.tInsert, Grichelde.functions.tConcat, Grichelde.functions.find, Grichelde.functions.sub, Grichelde.functions.gsub, Grichelde.functions.match, Grichelde.functions.toLower, Grichelde.functions.trim, Grichelde.functions.length
--- Before a chat message is sent, check if replacement is required and replace the text accordingly.
--- @param message string
--- @param type string
--- @param language string
--- @param channel string
function Grichelde:SendChatMessage(message, type, language, channel, ...)
local replacedText = self:CheckAndReplace(message, type)
self:DebugPrint("SendChatMessage : replacedText: " .. replacedText)
-- Send text in chunks if length exceeds 255 bytes after replacement
local chunks = self:SplitText(replacedText)
self:DebugPrint("SendChatMessage : #chunks: " .. #chunks)
for _, chunk in ipairs(chunks) do
self.hooks["SendChatMessage"](chunk, type, language, channel, ...);
function Grichelde:CheckAndReplace(message, type)
local text = message
if (self:CheckReplacement(text, type)) then
if (_G.Misspelled) then
self:DebugPrint("Misspelled detected: cleansing message")
text = _G.Misspelled:RemoveHighlighting(text)
text = self:ReplaceText(trim(text))
return text
function Grichelde:CheckReplacement(text, channel)
if (not self.db.profile.enabled) then
self:DebugPrint("CheckReplacement : disabled")
return false
-- check channel type
local allowedChannels = tFilter(self.db.profile.channels,
function(_,v) return v == true end,
function(k,_) return k end
self:DebugPrint("CheckReplacement : allowed channels: %s", tConcat(allowedChannels, ", "))
local type = self:ConvertBlizChannelToType(channel)
if (type ~= nil and not tContains(allowedChannels, type)) then
self:DebugPrint("CheckReplacement : skip channel type %s", type)
return false
-- don't replace slash commands except chat related commands
if sub(text, 1, 1) == "/" then
local firstWord, _ = self:SplitOnFirstMatch(text)
-- todo: adapt allowed slash commands
if (firstWord == nil or not tContains(self.slashCommands, firstWord)) then
self:DebugPrint("CheckReplacement : ignore slash command")
return false
-- in any other case
return true
function Grichelde:ConvertBlizChannelToType(channel)
local type = toLower(channel)
self:DebugPrint("ConvertBlizChannelToType : convert %s to %s", channel, type)
return type
--- Checks if the text starts with a preversable ignore pattern, such as itemLinks, textures or raid target icons
--- and returns the end location of the match, or 0 if no pattern was found
--- @param text string
--- @return number
function Grichelde:CheckForPreversableText(text)
self:DebugPrint("CheckForPreversableText : text is " .. text)
-- do not replace these patterns
local ignorePatterns = {
"|[Cc]%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x.-|r", -- colored items (or links)
"|H.-|h", -- item links (
"|T.-|t", -- textures
"|n", -- newline
"{rt[1-8]}", -- rumbered raid target icons
"{Star}", -- named raid target icon 1
"{Circle}", -- named raid target icon 2
"{Coin}", -- named raid target icon 2
"{Diamond}", -- named raid target icon 3
"{Triangle}", -- named raid target icon 4
"{Moon}", -- named raid target icon 5
"{Square}", -- named raid target icon 6
"{Cross}", -- named raid target icon 7
"{X}", -- named raid target icon 7
"{Skull}" -- named raid target icon 8
-- Calling find on ever pattern might be inefficient but its way less code.
for _, pattern in ipairs(ignorePatterns) do
local pos1, pos2 = find(text, pattern)
if pos1 == 1 and pos2 ~= nil then
self:DebugPrint("CheckForPreversableText : Found ignore pattern \"%s\" at (%d, %d)", pattern, pos1, pos2)
return pos2
self:DebugPrint("CheckForPreversableText : no ignore pattern found")
return 0
--- Replaces all character occurrences for which replacements have been defined in the options,
--- while preserving any itemLinks or textures. (
--- @param text string
--- @return string
function Grichelde:ReplaceText(text)
local finalText = ""
local newText = text
-- don't replace non-chat related slash commands
local firstWord, line = self:SplitOnFirstMatch(text)
if (firstWord ~= nil and tContains(self.slashCommands, firstWord)) then
self:DebugPrint("ReplaceText : Found slash command %s", firstWord )
-- skip chat slash command
finalText = finalText .. firstWord .. ' '
newText = line
local current = 1
local lastStart = 1
while current <= length(newText) do
local currentChar = sub(newText, current, current)
self:DebugPrint("current/char : %s,%s", current, currentChar)
if currentChar ~= '|' and currentChar ~= '{' then
current = current + 1
-- lookahead-check for itemLinks, textures and raid target icons
local textAhead = sub(newText, current)
local posEnd = self:CheckForPreversableText(textAhead)
if posEnd > 0 then
self:DebugPrint("ReplaceText : Found an ignore pattern")
local textBehind = sub(newText, lastStart, current - 1)
local replacement = self:ReplaceCharacters(textBehind)
local preservedText = sub(textAhead, 1, posEnd)
finalText = finalText .. replacement .. preservedText
current = current + posEnd
lastStart = current
self:DebugPrint("ReplaceText : restarting at " .. lastStart)
-- no corresponding end was found to start pattern, continue loop with next char
current = current + 1
-- cleanup remaining text to the end
local remainingText = sub(newText, lastStart)
local replacement = self:ReplaceCharacters(remainingText)
finalText = finalText .. replacement
self:DebugPrint("ReplaceText : replaced \"" .. text .. "\"")
self:DebugPrint("ReplaceText : with \"" .. finalText .. "\"")
return finalText
--- Replaces all character occurrences for which replacements have been defined in the options
--- @param text string
--- @return string
function Grichelde:ReplaceCharacters(text)
-- todo: read from options
-- todo: case (in)sensitivity
-- todo: consolidate consecutive
-- todo: prevent infinite loops - is that even possible?
local replacement = text
replacement = gsub(replacement, "s", "ch")
replacement = gsub(replacement, "S", "Ch")
replacement = gsub(replacement, "t", "k")
replacement = gsub(replacement, "T", "K")
self:DebugPrint("ReplaceCharacters : replaced \"%s\" with \"%s\"", text, replacement)
return replacement
--- Splits a long text in longest possible chunks of <= 255 length, split at last available space
--- @param text string
--- @return table
function Grichelde:SplitText(text)
local chunks = {}
local splitText = text
local textSize = length(splitText)
while textSize > 255 do
local chunk = sub(splitText, 1, 255)
local remaining = ""
-- special case: if space is the start of the next chunk, don't split this chunk
if sub(splitText, 256, 256) ~= ' ' then
-- split at last space, don't assign directly as nil might be returned
local left, right = self:SplitOnLastMatch(chunk)
if left ~= nil then
chunk = left
if right ~= nil then
remaining = right
self:DebugPrint("SplitText : chunk: " .. chunk )
tInsert(chunks, chunk)
splitText = remaining .. sub(splitText, 256)
textSize = length(splitText)
-- pickup remaining text < 255
self:DebugPrint("SplitText : last chunk: " .. splitText)
tInsert(chunks, splitText)
return chunks
-- split at first word of a text line
function Grichelde:SplitOnFirstMatch(text, start)
self:DebugPrint("SplitOnFirstMatch : text: %s, start: %d", text, start)
local pos = start or 1
local left, right = match(text, "^.- .+", pos)
self:DebugPrint("SplitOnFirstMatch : left: %s, right: %s", left, right)
return left or text, right
-- split at last word of a text line
function Grichelde:SplitOnLastMatch(text, start)
self:DebugPrint("SplitOnLastMatch : text: %s, start: %d", text, start)
local pos = start or 1
local left, right = match(text, ".+ .-$", pos)
self:DebugPrint("SplitOnLastMatch : left: %s, right: %s", left, right)
return left, right or text