import java.util.*; /** * Template code to help you parse the standard input * according to the problem statement. **/ class Solution { public static void main( String[] args ) { Scanner in = new Scanner( ); // read values with methods String input = in.nextLine(); // code your solution here boolean output = isInputWellFormed(input); // Write result with System.out.println() System.out.println( output ); } private static boolean isInputWellFormed(String input) { HashMap validPairs = new HashMap<>(); validPairs.put('{', '}'); validPairs.put('(', ')'); validPairs.put('[', ']'); Deque unmatchedChars = new ArrayDeque<>(); for (int i = 0; i < input.length(); i++) { char currentChar = input.charAt(i); if (validPairs.keySet().contains(currentChar)) { unmatchedChars.push(currentChar); // Add only opening ({[ to the unmatchedChars. } else if (validPairs.values().contains(currentChar)) { if (!unmatchedChars.isEmpty() && validPairs.get(unmatchedChars.peekFirst()) == currentChar) { unmatchedChars.pop(); // Match found, empty the unmatchedChars. } else { return false; } } } return unmatchedChars.isEmpty(); } }