elegant stream solution

Lothar Buchholz 5 years ago
parent 863825ad1a
commit 8bd7d827a8

@ -1,20 +1,59 @@
import java.util.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.math.*;
import java.util.function.IntFunction;
import java.util.stream.*;
* Template code to help you parse the standard input
* according to the problem statement.
class Solution {
private static final int SIZE = 9;
private static final int BLOCK_SIZE = 3;
public static void main( String[] args ) {
Scanner in = new Scanner( System.in );
// read values with in.next...() methods
var digits = new Scanner( System.in ).tokens()
.map( Integer::valueOf )
.collect( Collectors.toList() );
// code your solution here
System.out.println( checkSudoku( digits ));
// Write result with System.out.println()
System.out.println( "value" );
* The basic idea is to split the digits into groups that can be verified by the same logic over and over again.
* The code will create 27 groups - 9 lines, 9 rows and 9 blocks - and checks for all digits in each group.
private static boolean checkSudoku( List<Integer> digits ) {
return Stream.of(
filterGroup( digits, Solution::byLine ),
filterGroup( digits, Solution::byRow ),
filterGroup( digits, Solution::byBlock )
).flatMap( Collection::stream )
.allMatch( Solution::checkAllDigits );
* Splitting is done with a grouping function that calculates the group number for a grid index.
private static Collection<List<Integer>> filterGroup( List<Integer> digits, IntFunction<Integer> grpFunc ) {
var group = IntStream.range( 0, digits.size() ).boxed()
.collect( Collectors.groupingBy( grpFunc::apply, Collectors.mapping( digits::get, Collectors.toList() )));
return group.values();
* Checks if every digit from 1 to 9 is present in each group.
private static boolean checkAllDigits( List<Integer> group ) {
return group.stream().distinct().count() == SIZE;
private static int byLine( int index ) {
return index / SIZE;
private static int byRow( int index ) {
return index % SIZE;
private static int byBlock( int index ) {
return byRow( index ) / BLOCK_SIZE + ( index / ( SIZE * BLOCK_SIZE )) * BLOCK_SIZE;
